The E*C*H*O*E*S



...Hi, folks!...

The T-Shirt POLL is OVER !!!

We now have THE WINNER !!!

(for complete results of the poll click below)

Matt Denault's Final Design


Ok, I took it and sorted all our T-shirt talks into some document which contains the whole load of our ideas.... Unfortunately I seem to miss a few first posts, but as I recall there was nothing in them that wouldn't be otherwise repeated... If I missed something, just add your 2 pennies here...

Here is what our current standing are:

Well, after a week of laze and craze I finally made it to updating the page. This version correctly (I hope) reflects our current situation with the Tshirt business. Despite my pessimistic thoughts we ....which IMHO is good news. We already are in a situation of having done something besides just "keep talking" .... Cheers!


So, what's up with the Tshirts ? So far we are moving forward in creating the design, or should I say, in creating a number of alternative designs , which include design for address.

Matt, Mr. Echoes FAQ, Denault proposed his own version of a T-shirt design - which is double GOOD NEWS because it was quite unexpected. Take a look at it

James Hayward presented his version of the T-shirt design. I beleive it is based on the artwork from Green Dragon Pub .

Joakim Nordlander provided us with a number of sketches of "total quotes eclipse" . He also got a new "Poster"-style design done.

Joakim also put a few more Batersea pictures on his home page

We currently discussing an idea of making /J's "Wall of quotes" look fancier. One of the designs is already available here . We are still developping the designs... Or should I say - Joakim does the work and I do the "valuable advise" part (((-: .

We are also trying to filter the quotes - choose the ones we prefer to the rest by running a quote poll . So far we have about 40 folks to submit the ballots, I will be expecting a few more. The results are due next week, after it becomes clear that everyone who wanted took their right to vote...

The complete discussion about the tshirts can be found here. I will also highlight certain topics and extract them into a separate threads..

What are we going to do next ?

Good question. Now we are on the run for various T-shirt designs . This quest will continue, until the following conditions will be satisfied:

After this, there will be another poll - "Choose-a-design-and-make-an-order". The main problem is to somehow manage to bring the Tshirt stuff from virtuality to reality.... Volunteers ???


So, the poll intended to clarify our opinions on different quotes to be put on the Tshirts is currenntly running on Echoes.

The rules are: on a ballot everyone has to express his/her attitude towards each quote by grading them according to the following scale:

If a certain quote is not graded - it's grade is supposed to be 0.

This is a really "soft" voting scheme - but I think it fits here best. Our purpose is not to identify THE ONLY ULTIMATE QUOTE but rather to highlight the variety of quotes that can be used on the Tshirt design, being prefered to the rest by echoes memberes.

The Poll is Over - it's time to Reap what we have Sawn... (-:

It turned out that we had an enourmously (-: big number of participants - 72 votes were counted.

And now - about the results:

I don't have time to arrange a neat netscape version of the ballot, so we'll have to live with ascii....


Currently , we have the following designs available for inspection:

A few more ideas are being developped by different echoeseans and can make it into the actual designs.

a side note: Actual design - is the one that has it's implementation as a graphics file.

The Complete (almost) Tshirt Thread on Echoes

So far it's just separated into three ascii, pine messagebox format files:

I WILL dig this and extract the threads for each design into separate places. I will also make the whole thing look better..... but this will happen only tomorrow....

Comments ? Flames ? Suggestions ? Additions ? Opinions ?

Send me message to


...........Alex, "an email animal"....................