Teaching Experience
Instructor Experience
Since I started my graduate study at the
University of Maryland in
1995, I have been an instructor
for four classes during summer semesters.
CMSC 330 ``Organization of Programming Languages"
- The class was taught in
summer 1996 for junior Computer Science majors.
In this class, I have taught the general concepts of programming languages
design. We have studied the four programming language paradigms, using
AWK, ML, Prolog and
C++ as the examples of respectively procedural,
functional, logical and object-oriented languages.
The students had rather extensive projects. We have also
discussed in detail the syntax of programming languages, including regular
expressions and context-free grammars.
For this class I have developed and implemented a series of homework projects in
the languages studied.
CMSC 102 ``Introduction to Internet Technologies''.
In CMSC 102, taught in
summer 1996, I have introduced the class of
incoming high school seniors to the state of the art in the Internet
technologies. After a brief introduction into Unix operating system,
we have surveyed the basic principles TCP/IP protocol and studied the
Domain Name System. I have taught students the principles and operation
of emailing software, file transfer protocol, Usenet and newsgroups,
gopher and archie. The last part of the course was devoted to the emerging
(at that time) World Wide Web technology, http protocol, and HTML.
CMSC 106 ``Introduction to C''.
I taught this department's introductory programming class to a group of incoming
freshmen students in summer 1998. In this class,
I had presented basic concepts of programming
in C, introducing one by one numerous features of the language, starting
with variables and assignment statements and progressing to branching,
loops, functions, arrays, strings, pointers and pointer arithmetics.
For this class I have also developed all the programming projects.
- CMSC 150
``Introduction to Discrete Mathematics''.
In CMSC 150, taught in
summer 1999,
I have spent most of the time covering two key topics
in the course: Propositional and Predicate Logic and
Number Theory and
Induction. Another important topic, Set Theory
had been covered at the end of the class.
We have spent considerable time studying Boolean Algebra,
logical equivalences and arguments in Logic at the first third of the course.
The second part of the course was mostly devoted to the study of different
methods of proof (direct proof, proof by contradiction, proof by induction),
with the statement from Number Theory being the subjects of the proofs.
For each class I taught as instructor, I had to teach lectures on daily
(4--5 times a week), designed (and for CMSC 330 and CMSC 106
all homeworks and programming projects,
created, administered and graded midterm and final exams.
I have also created numerous handouts and lecture notes for all
the classes. When teaching the classes, I tried to follow the general syllabi,
adopted at the department. However, due to the specifics of
summer semesters, I had to restructure the material presented in class and
alter the homework and project content and policies.
Teaching Assistant Experience
Together with being instructor in those four classes, I have also been
a teaching assistant at
CMSC 330, ``Organization of Programming Languages''
and CMSC 452,
``Theory of Computing'' in regular semesters
(1995-96 academic year) and at CMSC 102, ``Introduction to
Internet Technologies''
in summer semester of 1997.
In CMSC 330 I was responsible
for teaching a recitation session once a week, implementing projects,
grading homework and exams.
In CMSC 452, in which the key concepts of
Theory of Computing, such as regular expressions and automata,
context-free grammars,
Turing Machines and first-order logic were taught,
my responsibilities included grading homework and exams and
occasionally replacing the professor at the lectures.
In CMSC 102, I taught a recitation session once a week,
supervised lab practice, and graded homeworks and exams.
In all classes I
held office hours.
Other Experience
Prior to entering graduate school at the University of Maryland, I had
worked one semester in a high school in Tver, Russia as a teacher of
physics. I had taught sophomore, junior and senior high
school grades (9th, 10th and 11th). This was a part-time position while I was
finishing my undergraduate degree at Tver State University, Russia.