Alexander Dekhtyar
department of Computer Science
University of Maryland , College Park, MD, 20742
Research Statement
Current Research
My current research deals with probabilistic information
in Databases and Logic Programming.
Probabilistic Temporal Databases.
(joint work with Robert Ross and V.S. Subrahmanian )
A number of database applications (e.g., scheduling databases for
transportation providers, time-series stock databases, video extraction
applications) require the ability to make statements of the
following kind: Data tuple d from relation R is true
at some point of time in the interval [t,t']
with probability between p and p'. For example, a tuple in
a scheduling database may contain information that a package shipped
from Washington, DC to New York via UPS arrives at the destination
between 12 and 36 hours after being sent with probability 95% - 100%.
Additionally, the database may contain information that the probability
of arrival at a particular hour for that time interval
is distributed uniformly.
Until now, such information could be only represented in
either purely temporal or purely probabilistic databases.
Such representations had a number of problems:
- Problem of compact representation.
Some applications of temporal databases require the chronon
to be rather small (seconds, or even milliseconds). To represent
uncertain information in purely probabilistic databases, one
would need to include a tuple with an approapriate probability
for each timepoint when an event could possibly occur.
In situations where chronons are small, this would lead to massive
amounts of data being stored.
- Problem of keeping track of probabilistic distributions.
Temporal databases allow compact representation of temporal data.
However, once data is represented in a compact form as a temporal
tuple, the only probabilistic information accompanying it would
be the probability of the tuple being true at the time period
specified in the tuple. What is missing is the information about
finding the probabilities of the tuple being true at any given
We have introduced the concept of Probabilistic Temporal
Databases, which are designed to address these problems.
Our main contributions are summarized as follows.
- We have introduced the concept of a temporal-probabilistic
tuple or TP-tuple, for short. Intuitively, a TP-tuple allows
us to augment classical relational database tuples with
temporal-probabilistic data, as well as arbitrary probability
distributions. For example, not only can we say "Data tuple d
is in relation r at some point of time in the interval [t,t']
with probability between p and p' " but we can also say that
the probability mass is distributed over [t, t'] according to
an arbitrary probability distribution.
- We have shown how given any TP-tuple tp, we may ``flatten'' tp
into a set of annotated tuples. In general, the set of annotated
tuples associated with a single TP-tuple can be very large --- hence,
annotated tuples serve as a purely theoretical device.
- We have defined a Theoretical Annotated Temporal Algebra (TATA)
and showed how the classical relational algebra operations can
be extended to the case of annotated tuples. Intuitively,
the Theoretical Annotated Temporal Algebra provides a theoretical
specification of how the TP-Algebra operations must be defined.
We have introduced a Temporal-Probabilistic Algebra (TPA)
which directly manipulates TP-tuples without converting them to
annotated tuples. This has a great advantage, as TP-tuples are
very succinct objects. We showed that for each operation in the
Theoretical Annotated Temporal Algebra, there is a corresponding
operation in the Temporal-Probabilistic Algebra which precisely
captures it. Thus, the Temporal-Probabilistic Algebra is a sound
and complete way of implementing the declarative semantics for
temporal probabilistic data prescribed by the Theoretical Annotated
Temporal Algebra. Correctness results are formally proved for
each operation.
- We have shown that each operator, whether in the TP-Algebra,
or in the Theoretical Annotated Temporal Algebra, can be
parameterized by the user's knowledge of the dependencies between
events. This is important because, the probability of a complex
event like "e1 or e2" depends upon our knowledge of the
dependencies between "e1" and "e2".
- We have established a number of query equivalence and query
containment results in TATA and TPA. Work on query optimization
is currently underway.
- A prototype Probabilistic Temporal Database System has been
implemented. The system has a
web interface
and communicates with a
number of commercial database systems, which store the actual
data (Paradox, Oracle) via ODBC. Experiments showed the benefits of
storing and operating on data in compact (tp-) form as opposed to
the expanded (annotated) form.
Temporal Probabilistic Logic Programs.
(joint work with V.S. Subrahmanian)
Concurrently with our research on Probabilistic Temporal Databases,
we have been studying logical reasoning in situations involving
temporal uncertainty. We have proposed the concept
of a Temporal Probabilistic Logic Program (or TPLP for short).
We have defined the syntax of TPLPs and provided a formal model theoretic
and fixpoint semantics that are shown to coincide. In
this work we considered three types of statements:
- statements about the events that can occur only once
(such as letter/package deliveries)
- statements about the events that can occur multiple times
or have a duration (e.g., occurrence of a character in movie frames)
- uncertain statements independent of time
Our syntax allows the user to explicitly state the type of each statement
(formula) found in a TP-program and our model theory captures reasoning
about the temporal probabilities of events of all three types. The fixpoint
semantics uses linear programming to compute the tightest
probability intervals possible.
We have also studied a subset of the general language where only
statements about uniquely occurring events were allowed and established
a more efficient fixpoint procedure which does not employ
linear programming for this subclass of TP-programs.
We are currently working on query processing procedures for
TP-programs, and on finding other subclasses of TP-programs for which
the fixpoint semantics will not need linear programming, therefore making
more efficient query processing possible.
Optimal Status Sets For Heterogeneous Active Agents
joint work with Thomas Eiter, Thomas Schwentick and V.S. Subrahmanian
This work is a part of the ongoing
IMPACT (Interactive Maryland Platform
for Agents Collaborating Together) project. A part of the framework is a
declarative language for Agent Programs which allows agents express
their ``operating principles'' and to determine the actions they must
take in order to satisfy them.
The semantics of Agent Programs is given in terms of Status
Sets - sets of actions which satisfy the rules of the program.
Different semantics are possible, and Eiter and Subrahmanian
describe a number of semantics.
However, only in very simple cases are we guaranteed that
the status set is unique (i.e., that the agent's choice of actions at
each step will be deterministic).
Our current work we proposes a way to overcome this.
We assume that an agent has an objective function which
allows it to evaluate each status set that satisfies its program for
a given semantics. Out of all such status sets, we will select the
one(s) which optimize this objective function.
The goals of this work are:
- to provide a simple but powerful language for describing the
objective functions in IMPACT. This language should be compatible
with the current IMPACT framework.
- to give complexity analysis of the problem of computing
an optimal status set, given an agent state and an objective
function. We expect the general case to be quite hard, in part
due to the arbitrary nature of the objective function.
- to find a number of important classes of objective functions
for which the problem of computing an optimal status set is
solvable in polynomial time.
- to construct the algorithms for finding optimal status sets
both in the general case, and for all the classes of objective
functions for which we can show that the problem is solvable
in better time.
Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programs.
(joint work with V.S. Subrahmanian and M.I. Dekhtyar)
Most current work on probabilistic logic programming,
assumes the existence of a simple apiori relationship between
the events described (e.g., independence or ignorance).
However, this severely limits the applicability of the frameworks.
We have proposed a hybrid probabilistic logic programming
language which was designed to allow the programmer to reason
about the probabilities of event under any assumption about
their relationship. In particular, our contributions are:
- First, we have introduced a general axiomatic notion of a
probabilistic strategy, as the means of computing probabilities
under given assumption about the relationship between the events.
We showed that a number of well known probabilistic strategies
(e.g., independence, positive correlation, ignorance) are special
cases of our definition.
- We have defined the concept of a hybrid probabilistic program
(hp-program, for short).
If the user selects a set of probabilistic
strategies r1,... ,rk for use in an hp-program (s/he may select
these in any way, as long as these selections satisfy the axioms
defining probabilistic strategies), then this automatically defines a
set of conjunction and disjunction connectives used to construct
formulas from atoms.
- We have defined a fixpoint semantics for hp-programs, a model
theoretic semantics for hp-programs, and a proof procedure, and prove
that the fixpoint theory, model theory, and proof theory all lead to
equivalent characterizations. This applies to any selection of
probabilistic strategies made by the user, as long as these
selections satisfy the axioms defining probabilistic strategies.
- We have defined a cache-based proof procedure that extends
the well known tabling techniques in Logic Programming to handle
hybrid probabilistic programs. This procedure is also proved to
be sound and complete.
- We have studied the computational aspects of hp-programs.
In particular, we have designed algorithms for computing
the minimal model of an hp-program, determining whether an hp-program
entails a formula and determining whether an hp-program is
consistent. We have shown that entailment problem in general is
NP-complete, however, when we restrict the heads of
rules to be of size 2 or less, this problem becomes equivalent
to a generalization of a weighted matching problem on graphs.
The computational complexity in this case depends on the
set of probabilistic strategies used in the program.
We have established that for a set of eight most common
probabilistic strategies (disjunctive and conjunctive strategies of
independence, positive correlation, negative correlation and ignorance)
the entailment problem is solvable in polynomial time.
It is also solvable in polynomial time for programs having
atomic heads for any set of probabilistic strategies.
- We have also provided a sound and complete rule-based inference
system for hp-programs. We showed that for all formulas derivable in
this system there exists a ``short'' (polynomially bound)
Though we have not implemented it, it should be mentioned that since
our original results have been published, two implementations of
Hybrid Probabilistic Logic programs appeared. One implementation,
by Terrence Swift at University of Maryland uses the XSB system
(developed at SUNY at Stony Brook) to implement hp-programs with
atomic heads. This implementation has been used to solve some data mining
problems. A somewhat different fragment of HPPs had been implemented by
Stoffel at the University of Neuchatel in Switzerland.
Previous Research
During my undergraduate study, my research had been in the area of
finite model theory and Linear Logic. I have studied
Resource Transformation Nets (RT-nets) - a model of
computation in which a number of resources can be stored,
and transformed at the nodes of a graph and transferred from
node to node. I showed that a logic based on the fragment of
Multiplicative Linear Logic describes exactly the behavior
of RT-nets.
Future Research
My future research will proceed in the following areas:
- N-Dimensional Probabilistic Reasoning.
I am planning to extend our results for Probabilistic Temporal
Databases and Temporal Probabilistic Logic Programs to the case
when the probability is distributed over an N-dimensional
(and possibly continuous) set, such 2D or 3D space, or 2D/3D space
with time. This work will require the generalization of many notions,
used in the TP-databases and TP-programs. Database design will also
involve work with different spatial data structures such as
quadtrees, R-trees etc...
- Intelligent Agents.
I propose to continue working on the theory and implementation
of heterogeneous software agents. I intend to study how an
agent can make decisions when it is reasoning about uncertain
temporal events. For instance, an agent may wish to predict
certain events in the future. While such predictions are
(inevitably) likely to be uncertain, the agent may still base
its actions and schedules on such predictions. I propose to
develop methods by which an agent can represent information
about multiple possible uncertain future works, and can make
decisions based on such information based on one or more
objective functions the agent has.
- Application of probabilistic methods.
- Information Retrieval (IR) studies the problem of matching
the documents stored in the database with the document
specifications contained in a given query. A number of aspects of
IR (document specifications, user query, document relevance) are
of a highly uncertain nature. Probabilistic methods, together with
other formalisms for uncertain reasoning, such as Dempster-Schafer
belief functions and Fuzzy Logic have been applied to IR. However,
in most cases, just as in Probabilistic Logic Programming,
probabilistic methods make an apiori assumption about
the relationship between different document descriptors.
I would like to extend our framework of hybrid probabilistic
reasoning onto the domain of Information Retrieval.
- In Data Mining, a problem of finding different data dependencies
in a large body of data is studied. The data dependencies
found in the data mining process may be interpreted probabilistically.
In this area, I see an opportunity to combine our probabilistic
approach to reasoning with the approaches to dealing with objective
functions, which can be used to specify different data parameters
(such as the concept of an ``interesting'' data dependency)
in the data mining framework.
- Probabilistic Updates.
Given a body of probabilistic data (e.g., probabilistic database,
probabilistic deductive database), and a collection of ``newly
discovered'' probabilistic information, the question of
updating the data with the new information arises. While
working on Probabilistic Temporal Databases and Hybrid Probabilistic
Programs, we have found that
- there is no unique ``correct'' way to update the probabilistic
- probabilistic updates are not local, i.e.,
updating a probability of one event, may result in a chain
of updates of probabilities of other events in some cases and
- may require application of non-probabilistic methods
to preserve consistency of the data.
My goal is to study the general properties of probabilistic updates
in detail.