Incremental Java
Writing the Class Definition

Putting It All Together

We're now ready to write the entire class definition. This goes into This is how it looks:
public class Rectangle 
{  // beginning of class definition

  // Instance variables
  private int width = 0, height = 0 ;

  // Default Constructor
  public Rectangle()

  // Constructor
  public Rectangle( int initWidth, int initHeight )
     width = initWidth ;
     height = initHeight ;

  // --------------
  // Public Methods
  // --------------
  public void setWidth( int newWidth )
     width = newWidth ;

  public void setHeight( int newHeight )
     height = newHeight ;

  public int getWidth()
     return width ;

  public int getHeight()
     return height ;

  public int getPerimeter()
     return 2 * ( height + width ) ;

  public int getArea()
     return width * height ;

  public boolean isSquare()
     return width == height ;
} // end of class definition