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Mor Naaman (Rutgers Univ) creates logo for his lab with my photo for CHI 2011 (May 2011, Vancouver)

Photos by Alan P. Santos for Univ of Maryland, February 5, 2012

Ben Shneiderman portraits by John Consoli of University of Maryland, May 10, 2010.
These may be freely used with credit line for John Consoli

dana boyd with Ben Shneiderman wearing her hat at the ICWSM conference, May 26, 2010 in Washington, DC.
Photo by Marc Smith.

Portrait by Natt Phenjati, during visit to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, February 17-18, 2010,
to deliver the Vollmer W. Fries Lecture on Technology-Mediated Social/Civic Participation.

Dinner at River Café, during visit to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, February 17, 2010. Also celebrating my election to the National Academy of Engineering
Front Row: Sibel Adali, Computer Science; Jim Hendler, Computer Science, Cognitive Science, Tetherless World Research Constellation,; Ben Shneiderman, Computer Science, University of Maryland.  Back Row: Jim Zappen, Language, Literature, and Communication;  Nathan Freier, Language, Literature, and Communication; Boleslaw Szymanski, Computer Science; Bob Palazzo, Biology, Provost; Wayne Gray, Cognitive Science, Acting Dean, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; Jan Fernheimer, Language, Literature, and Communication

Ben Shneiderman received an honorary doctorate from the University of Castilla-LaMancha, Spain on February 9, 2010.
This photo shows host Prof. Manuel Ortega with Ben Shneiderman, both in traditional academic outfits.
More information at:

Receiving the 2008 Board of Visitors Award from the College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the Univ. of Maryland on May 16, 2008.
Board Chair Raj Khera presents the Award, while Dean Stephen Halperin and Prof. James Yorke applaud.

Photos by John Consoli, June 2007

HCIL members signed a t-shirt for Ben Shneiderman on the occasion of his 60th birthday in August 2007.

Photos taken May 2006 by Mike Morgan

Snowmass, CO, June 2005, Photo by Jenny Preece

Photo courtesy of Andreas Urban ( in Vienna Austria November 7, 2005

Summer 2005 at home in Washington, DC

Photo courtesy of Catherine Plaisant 2004

Receiving the IEEE Distinguished Literary Contribution Award for "Leonardo's Laptop", on June 4, 2004 at the HCIL Open House. The award was presented by Daniel Benigni of the IEEE. Photo by Sharmon Kollet.

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Photos during sabbatical visit to University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, by Duncan Shaw-Brown, March 2003.

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Ben Shneiderman and James Hendler held a Plenary debate (moderated by Trudi Bellardo Hahn) on the Future of the Web at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science & Technology in Washington, DC on Novmeber 8, 2001. 


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Photos taken by UMD photographer August 2001


Transition Party, June 1, 2000 as Ben Shneiderman turns over directorship of HCIL to Ben Bederson


Photo taken by UMD photographer July 2000


Photo by Laurie Dewitt for the Tech Gazette, October 1999, used with permission.


Attending the Internet2 Soci-Technical Summit, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, September 13, 1999.
These color photos were taken by Bob Nagy.


University of Maryland, CMPS Continuum, Spring/Summer 1999 article, "Human Computer Interaction  Lab: Making Computers Work Well for People", page 4.


Forbes Magazine article, "Banks that chat, and other irrelevancies", April 20, 1998, pages 224-225.


This color photo was taken by campus photographer Larry Crause in 1997.


This smiling photo was during the ACM Multimedia Conference keynote talk in Seattle, WA in November 1997. The outfit was meant to support the talk, titled "Leonardo's Laptop."


With Charles Kreitzberg and Ed Yourdon.  Speakers for the satellite television program "User Interface Strategies '96.


Preceeding the SIGCHI Vancouver, British Columbia Conference, April 13-18, 1996


These pictures were taken by the campus photographer Larry Crause taken approximately in 1991.


Photos by Karsh of Ottawa and New York, taken in 1986 for the first edition of Designing the User Interface. Karsh is the world famous portraitist and the session was done in New York and paid for by the publisher. (Copyright KARSH, Ottawa).