CMSC 434 - Spring 2009
Prof Bederson

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction

Homework #3: Personas and their Goals (100 points)
(Due 2/26/2009)

This assignment is about home wireless telephones (for a landline connection, not cell phone).

  1. (8 points) Choose two different instances aimed at different user populations (i.e., two different designs for two different market segments).  Pick actual instances available commercially.  Include a picture (that you take, from a website, etc.), and briefly describe the two user populations that you think the device is targeted towards.

  2. For each instance, answer each of the following:

    1. (10 points/instance) Describe a primary persona and a secondary persona to which the instance was probably targeted. Be sure to label which is the primary and which is the secondary. An example of a good persona definition is included in this article (under "Persona Definition"), except that for purposes of this homework assignment, 3-4 sentences (each) should suffice. Just be sure to cover the high level details (i.e. age, profession, family status, etc.) and anything else that relates to the persona's use and perception of the device.

    2. (4 points/instance) List 2 goals that are served by the device and are common to both personas. Describe specifically how the device design serves (or fails to serve) each goal.

    3. (4 points/instance) List 2 goals that are served by the device and are specific to your primary persona (and thus not likely goals of your secondary persona). Describe specifically how the device design serves (or fails to serve) each goal.

    4. (4 points/instance) List 2 goals that are served by the device and are specific to your secondary persona (and thus not likely goals of your primary persona). Describe specifically how the device design serves (or fails to serve) each goal.

  3. (0 points) Choose one of the instances.  Write which one you're choosing.

  4. (18 points) For each of the 6 goals given for your chosen instance, describe a way to improve the degree to which the device serves the goal. Your enhancements for improvements should stay within likely real-life constraints (budget, production, size, etc.). For each enhancement, specify in 1-2 sentences how it improves the degree to which the device serves the goal.

  5. (15 points) Sketch or describe the device, with all of your proposed changes integrated.  You can make one sketch, several small sketches, a storyboard, or a written description, just so long as your ideas are clear. If you choose to sketch, you'll need to scan your sketch or create it electronically, so that everything fits in one file.

  6. (15 points) Create a 1-page illustrated magazine advertisement for your improved device.  The ad should be targeted to your primary persona and should fit the tone of a magazine appropriate for that persona.  A black and white document is fine.  Scoring will reflect how well the ad communicates the value of your new design to your persona. Your ad should be neat, but it need not be particularly artistic. You may sketch your ad by hand and scan, or create it electronically, as long as everything fits in one file.  The goal here is to consider how you communicate the value of your design - not on advertising or aesthetic quality.

Presentation: All submissions should be typed and formatted for readability (i.e. bulleted/numbered lists, bold/italics as appropriate, etc.). Also, please make sure the order and numbering in your document matches the assignment. For #2, number it like 2.a.a., 2.a.b., 2.a.c., 2.a.d., 2.b.a., 2.b.b. 2.b.c., 2.b.d., or something similar that follows that order.

Grading: In addition to completeness, scores will be based on the logic, sophistication, and clarity of your answers.

Turn-in: Send your homework to the TA in PDF, DOC, or RTF format by email before class on the due date with the text "CMSC 434-hw3" in the subject line.