Developing User Interfaces
Spring 2002
Prof. Ben Bederson
Project #2
Due March 21, 2002
The purpose of this program is to gain familiarity with Java's event facilities,
including the ability to generate your own application-specific events. This is also
a continued exercise in rendering your own graphics.
The Problem
You are going to create a simple text editing program with selection.
You should create a new component that provides basic functionality similar to
JTextArea. When your component has keyboard focus, it should accept
keyboard events and let users type in text. It should show a blinking text
cursor that the user can manipulate with arrow keys and some simple keyboard
bindings. Furthermore, the widget should support contiguous selection with either the
mouse or keyboard, and finally, the user should be able to cut, copy, and paste
the text within the widget. Finally, you should generate a custom
"Selection" event that gets triggered whenever the selection is changed.
You should test this by creating a Selection listener that prints to the console
a short message showing the current selection whenever it changes. You do
not need to worry about scrolling.
The requirements are:
- Implement this project entirely in Java.
- Create your custom text component by extending JComponent. It should
not have any children components.
- Your demonstration application should start in a window of dimensions 600
(width) x 400 (height) with a single component which is your custom text
- You should carefully define an API for your new component. All
internal methods should be private or protected except for the methods which a
user of your widget might want to use, and those methods should be declared
public. You should define javadoc style API comments for those public
methods, and write the API documentation in such a way that a user of your
component should be able to understand how to use your component (including at
least a definition, input parameters and output results). The public API
must include methods for supporting programmatically accessing and modifying
the text, and accessing and modifying the selection. You can define what
the API actually looks like. We will run javadoc on your program and
look at the generated documentation. As with the compilation of your
program, there should be no errors or warnings from javadoc.
- You should render the text simply with no automatic wrapping, and you
don't have to worry about scrolling at all. You can assume that the text
will fit entirely within the window. You may force the background color
of the component is white, and the text color to black, and assume that the
user of your component does not change this. The complexity comes in
representing the selection. You should draw the selection as is standard
in commercial widgets, where the selected characters are represented with
white text on a black background. Thus, you will have to carefully
calculate the positions of characters in order to calculate where to render
the text and background in different colors. You will also have to
understand exact character positions in order to know where in the text the
user clicks and drags the mouse.
- Your text editor should respond to the following keys:
- All "regular" alphanumeric keys should enter that character
- The Enter key should start a new line
- The 4 arrow keys should move the cursor appropriately. You do not
need to worry about how the cursor should move vertically if you go from a
long to a short, and then to a long line. That is, you should always try
and keep the cursor at approximately the same horizontal location, but if
there is a short line, you should just move the cursor to the end of that
- The Home key should move the cursor to the beginning of the line
- The End key should move the cursor to the end of the line
- Holding down the Shift key while pressing any of the cursor movement keys
(arrows, Home, or End) should create or extend the selection, as appropriate.
- Pressing any alphanumeric key when there is a selection active should
replace the selection with that key.
- Pressing any cursor movement key when there is a selection active should
move the cursor and unselect all the selected text.
- Pressing the Backspace, Delete or the ctrl-x key should delete the currently selected
text (if any). If there is no selected text, pressing the Delete key
should delete the character after the cursor (if one), and pressing the
Backspace key should delete the character before the cursor (if one).
Pressing the Delete key at end of line should join next line. Pressing
the Backspace key at the beginning of a line should join it with the previous
- Pressing the ctrl-x key should also copy the currently selected text (if
any) into the "copy buffer".
- Pressing the ctrl-c key should copy the currently selected text (if any)
into the "copy buffer".
- Pressing the ctrl-v key should paste (insert) the contents of the copy buffer (if
any) to the point the cursor is at. The cursor should be moved to the
end of the pasted text. If there was any selected text when ctrl-v was
pressed, the selected text should be replaced with the inserted text.
- Clicking the mouse should move the cursor to the legal position nearest to
the point the mouse was clicked. If there was any selected text, it
should be unselected.
- Click and dragging the mouse should dynamically select the text under the
cursor, and move the cursor to the point the mouse is released at. If
there was some selected text when the mouse is dragged, the original text
should be unselected.
- You should create a custom interface called SelectionListener that defines
the method:
public void selectionChanged(SelectionEvent)
- You should create a custom event called SelectionEvent that contains a
string that represents the result of the selection after the change that
generated this event.
- Your custom component should support addSelectionListener and
removeSelectionListener methods, and should fire the selectionChanged event
whenever the selection changes.
- Your test application should create a selection listener and add it to
your custom component, and print the contents of the selection after every
change with output of the form: "new selection: xxx" where 'xxx' is
replaced with the actual selection.
- For efficiency, don't draw unselected text under selected text. You
must draw each character only once.
- You may use any font you want, including a fixed-width font such as "courier
new" if you
This is a hard project. I strongly recommend that you start
immediately, as you will need the full two weeks to do a good job.
Java Hints
You can learn about javadoc at
Submit your program the same way you submitted project #1, by creating a zip file of all the source code files
related to your project, login to a Unix WAM computer, and run the WAM submit
program. This is course CMSC 498B, Section 0101, Project #2.