Summary and Analysis of:

Nielsen, Jakob (1993). Usability Engineering. AP Professional

By Reginald Riley Jr.


Chapter 5, Usability Heuristics, of Nielsen’s book, Usability Engineering, describes, in detail, ten closely related fundamental heuristics, applicable to the user interface. Additionally, he states that because basic interface characteristics are fairly broad and can apply to practically any type of user interface, usability heuristics can be used as a basis for a systematic approach to finding usability problems and handling them accordingly. The ten basic usability heuristics are described and summarized below.

Through these ten principles, we get a foundation for heuristic evaluation. He states that heuristic evaluation is done by looking at an interface and trying to come up with an opinion about what is good and bad about the interface. It is described as a systematic inspection of a user interface design for usability. Because of the differences among evaluators themselves, experience has shown that more than one heuristic evaluator is needed for these inspections. The use of five evaluators is recommended. Nielsen states that during an inspection, the evaluator goes through the interface several times and observes the various dialogue elements and compares them with a list of recognized usability principles, such as the ones listed above. One method is the pluralistic usability walkthrough where users, developers, and usability specialists inspect a design for usability. Because each usability problem can be referenced to a usability principle, it is easy to revise the design.

Things I Liked

Interesting Observations

