Hyunmo Kang
Zoomable User Interface
April 14, 1999

The Intelligent Zoom as Metaphore and Navigation Tool in a Multi-Screen Interface for Network Control Systems

Lyn Bartram, Frank Henigman and John Dill

Summary :

    The Intelligent Zoom technique for network control system interfaces was limited by the constraints of a single screen. So, the new approach makes use of the zoom as both a unifying metaphore for the underlying process and information space, and a navigation tool by which the user can both see information directly on the zoom itself or reach through the zoom to populate the second screen. But there are many issues to be addressed in properly designing an integrated multi-screen interface; how to support and reduce the user's task of mentally integrating the information in disparate views (the correspondence problem), which information to place where on the second, non-zoom screen (the population problem) and how to reduce the user interface management required for the second screen.

Things I liked :

Problems :

