Hyunmo Kang
Zoomable User Interface
14, 1999
The Intelligent Zoom as Metaphore and
Navigation Tool in a Multi-Screen Interface for Network Control
Lyn Bartram, Frank Henigman and John Dill
Summary :
The Intelligent Zoom technique for network control
system interfaces was limited by the constraints of a single screen. So, the
new approach makes use of the zoom as both a unifying metaphore for the
underlying process and information space, and a navigation tool by which the
user can both see information directly on the zoom itself or reach through the
zoom to populate the second screen. But there are many issues to be addressed
in properly designing an integrated multi-screen interface; how to support and
reduce the user's task of mentally integrating the information in disparate
views (the correspondence problem), which information to place where on the
second, non-zoom screen (the population problem) and how to reduce the user
interface management required for the second screen.
- The Continuous Zoom(CZ) : CZ manages display space to represent a
hierarchically organized information space. By opening, closing and resizing
nodes, the user constructs a detail in context view of network with as many
focal points as needed.
- The Intelligent Zoom(IZ) : IZ assists the user in choosing node
representations and it adjusts size to convey the relative importance of the
- The Zoom as Information and Navigation Metaphore : The zoom is highly
effective for navigating large networks. One reason is its intuitive mapping
to the underlying information space. Another reason is the explicit support
the zoom provides the user for recognizing and understanding his present
location in the information space.
- Problem Statement :
- how to supply context for the information on the second screen
(correspondence problem)
- how to choose which information should appear on the second screen
(population problem)
- how to manage the second screen (management problem)
Things I liked :
- The zoom as Information and Navigation Metaphore : I agreed with the
opinion that the zoom effectively supports both the hierarchical and
associative thinking which are essential components of information searching.
- The concept of "Intelligent Zoom" : I liked the concept of reducing the
number of steps the user must take in order to control the interface by
system's automatic decision.
Problems :
- It was very hard to understand the figure #1 and #2 in the paper, and I
couldn't find any diffenrences between the two.
- The one of the main points of this paper should be the way the intelligent
zoom is implemented and used in network control system, but the explanation is
not enough for me to understand the system.
- I couldn't admit that the authors overcome the limitations of single
screen they mentioned in this paper by adding the second work screen to the IZ
- The author said that CZ and its predecessor the Variable Zoom(VZ) were
highly effective for navigating large networks, but he didn't mention anything
about the experimental results to support his assertion.
- According to the paper, in the IZ, intelligence assists the user in
choosing node representations. Does the interface give any suggestions to
users in choosing a representation ? if so, what's the criteria and algorithm
used in the system ? if not, is it just a pop up menu that lets user choose a
representation ? then why is it called intelligence ?
- In this paper, intelligence in the IZ takes only two forms. Aren't there
any other forms of intelligence that can reduce the burden of managing the
interface so that the operator could work more efficiently ?