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“Test Case Generator for GUITAR” by Daniel Hackner and Atif M. Memon. In ICSE '08: Research Demonstration Track: International Conference on Software Engineering, (Washington, DC, USA), 2008.
As Graphical User Interfaces become more popular, the need for GUI testing tools becomes greater. However, many current test generation techniques require proprietary tools and can be hard to use to their fullest potential. This paper outlines a new test case generation strategy, which enables testers to automatically produce cases in a widely used format. It is the hope of the authors that this strategy will encourage more complete GUI testing throughout the field.
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BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{HacknerMemonICSE2008, author = {Daniel Hackner and Atif M. Memon}, title = {Test Case Generator for {GUITAR}}, booktitle = {ICSE '08: Research Demonstration Track: International Conference on Software Engineering}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, year = {2008} }
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