#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; my $DOC = <<"EOF"; Usage: $0 [extra] Run first: - make_packages (assumes this was run on the mut dir created by instr_mutants) Args: - , the package for which to generate and run test cases - , the dir containing the clean, instrumented version of the application (bin-ins) and related files (input_files, config_files, .gui, .efg, orc_sub.txt, main_class, lib_cp, and optionally var_defs) -
, the dir containing table file faults.txt (from tables/faults) and explore_test_suite_sizes.txt - 'extra', optional, if this arg is given then assumes replay is to be resumed and skips right to the extra test cases, using the number currently defined in /num_extra_tsts.txt Constants: - , the maximum number of test cases to try (depends on the application) - , , , , and