
Used in:
McMaster, S. and Memon, A. M. Call stack coverage for GUI test-suite reduction. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2006), Nov. 2006.
(Paper | Full list of publications)

(Image created with Graphviz. Click here to view .dot file.)


(Items marked with * are not available.)

Application under test

Compile with make all. Run with make run.

Application under test, instrumented

Application under test, faulty

Each numbered directory contains one version, which contains one fault (one or a few changed lines in a single source file). Substitute the faulty file into the non-faulty version of the application. Compile and run.

Supporting files

Test cases

The test universe and test suites consist of lists of test case names. These names correspond to test case files in the set of test cases.

Coverage information

  • Available on DVD upon request.
  • Report

    Each line in a fault matrix file (except for the summary at the end of the file) has the following format:
    The test suite statistics files summarize the number of test cases included and number of faults detected per test suite.



    Oracle generator

    Run replay_TerpPaint3, replay_TerpSpreadSheet3, or replay_TerpWord3 with the -h flag for usage information.