
Used in:
Memon, A. M. and Xie, Q. Studying the fault-detection effectiveness of GUI test cases for rapidly evolving software. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., vol. 31, no. 10, 2005, pp. 884-896, IEEE Press.
(Paper | Full list of publications)

(Image created with Graphviz. Click here to view .dot file.)


The artifacts and executables below are not exactly the ones used in the TSE 2005 paper. The artifacts were created using the same procedure but newer versions of TerpOffice and the executables.

Application under test

Compile with make all. Run with make run.

Application under test, faulty

Supporting files

Test cases

Oracle information

Not available.

Actual-state information

Not available.



GUI ripper

Java class files
For command-line help, run java -cp Ripper/JavaClassFiles.bingan JavaGUIRipper.

Test-case generator

Java class files
For command-line help, run java -cp TCGenerator/JavaClassFiles.bingan StructuralTestCaseGenerator.

Oracle Generator

Same as Replayer.


Java class files and (non-functional!) example driver scripts
For command-line help, run java -cp Replayer/JavaClassFiles.xyuan JavaGUIReplayer.


Java class files and (non-functional!) example driver scripts
For command-line help, run java -cp Verifier/JavaClassFiles.xyuan OracleVerifier.