Used in:
Xie, Q. and Memon, A. M. Rapid "crash testing" for continuously
evolving GUI-based software applications. In ICSM '05: Proceedings of
the 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
(ICSM'05), (Washington, DC, USA), 2005, pp. 473-482.
(Paper | Full list of publications)
(Image created with Graphviz. Click here to view .dot file.)
(Items marked with * are not available.)
Application under test
Compile with make all. Run with make run.
Supporting files
Test cases
Actual-state information
- TerpCalc 2.0 EFG and EIG logs
- TerpPaint 2.0 EFG and EIG logs
- TerpPresent 2.0 EFG and EIG logs
- TerpSpreadSheet 2.0 EFG and EIG logs
- TerpCalc 2.0 EFG and EIG reports
- TerpPaint 2.0 EFG and EIG reports
- TerpPresent 2.0 EFG and EIG reports
- *TerpSpreadSheet 2.0 EFG and EIG reports
GUI ripper
*JavaGUIRipper 1.0 (see UMD2006a GUI ripper)
Test case generator
*CompleteTestCaseGenerator 1.0 (see UMD2006a test-case generator)
Run replay_TerpCalc2, replay_TerpPaint2, replay_TerpPresent2, or replay_TerpSpreadSheet2 with the -h flag for usage information.
Use grep or a similar tool to search for exceptions in the actual-state information.