CMSC828E: Privacy and Ethics in Data Management Systems

Prof. Amol Deshpande;    Online;    Tue-Thu 3:30pm-4:45pm

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This is a research-oriented class and hence the main work in this class is independently reading and evaluating research papers in the field of privacy and security in databases. For each class, there will typically be two assigned papers, that you have to read before the class. However, we are not expecting you to fully read and understand the papers before the class -- but skim through them to get familiar with the basic ideas.

For each class (after the first two weeks), two of you will be responsible for preparing a summary and a list of discussion points about both the assigned papers (this can include praising specific things you liked about the paper, complaints about the approach/methodology etc., potential future directions, why the paper may or may not be relevant today, etc). These summaries need to be sent to me by Friday evening of the week prior, so I have enough time to put together the summaries. Everyone else must post a response to this summary by 2pm of the day of the class, which can include any comments on the discussion points, additional discussion points, etc (this doesn't need to be very detailed, and can be a few sentences).

I will do the summaries for the second week's papers.

I will circulate a sign-up sheet to sign up for doing these discussion points later (when the class enrollment stabilizes).

Late submissions or no submissions (i.e., responses to the summary) will be penalized. Missing upto two is fine. Beyond that: 3 missed or late submissions - 5/20 points deducted. 4 missed submissions, 10/20 deducted. 5 missed submissions 20/20 deducted.

All submissions are through Slack -- there will be a separate slack channel for every paper.


There will be about 6 assignments through the semester, that will include a combination of programming and written questions. The programming components will be short, and designed primarily to give you some hands-on experience with the technologies.
  • Assignment 1: SQL, Due Friday, February 26, 2021 (Background -- you can skip it if you can demonstrate familiarity otherwise)
  • Assignment 2: Spark, Due Friday, February 26, 2021 (Background -- you can skip it if you can demonstrate familiarity otherwise)
  • Assignment 3: Statistical Privacy (Differentialy Privacy, etc)., Due February 26, 2021
  • Assignment 4: Due March 12, 2021
  • Assignment 5: Due April 16, 2021
  • Assignment 6: Due April 30, 2021
Clone the class assignment git repository for the assignments as well as datasets.

Literature Survey, Due March 25, 2021

In the first half of the semester, you should do a literature survey on one of the topics of the class. We will post a list of suggestions shortly. The output of this should be a 4-5 page document that summarizes the prior work, and lays out potential future reserach directions that have been identified in those research papers.

We may use the reports as readings for the second half of the semester, and we would also like to publicly post them in the form of a blog or something similar to that.

Mini Project

The project will be a mini research project that will be conducted by groups. The dates are guidelines and are flexible.

Group Members and the Project Idea/Proposal (Due: April 9, 2021)

A one-page proposal stating and motivating the problem. Ideally this builds upon the literature survey that you did, but doesn't have to.

Intermediate Progress Report (Due: April 30, 2021)

A 4-5 page progress report.

Final Report (Due: May 12, 2021)

Final report (about 8-10 pages) should follow a research paper format. There may be a poster presentation.