Past courses by
Andrew Childs
University of Maryland
Fall 2024:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Spring 2024:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Fall 2023:
Introduction to quantum information processing (CMSC 657)
Spring 2023:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Fall 2022:
Introduction to quantum information processing (CMSC 657)
Spring 2022:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Spring 2021:
Quantum algorithms (CMSC 858Q)
Fall 2020:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Fall 2019:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Spring 2019:
Introduction to quantum computing (CMSC 457)
Fall 2018:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Spring 2018:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Fall 2017:
Introduction to quantum information processing (CMSC 858K)
Spring 2017:
Quantum algorithms (CMSC 858Q)
Fall 2016:
Introduction to quantum information processing (CMSC 858K)
, with
Shelby Kimmel
Brad Lackey
Spring 2016:
Design and analysis of computer algorithms (CMSC 451)
Fall 2015:
Introduction to quantum information processing (CMSC 858K)
University of Waterloo
Winter 2014:
Introduction to quantum information processing (CO 481/CS 467/PHYS 467)
Winter 2014:
Quantum information review
Perimeter Scholars International
Winter 2013:
Quantum algorithms (CO 781/CS 867/QIC 823)
Winter 2013:
Quantum information review
Perimeter Scholars International
Fall 2012:
Introduction to combinatorics (Math 239)
Winter 2012:
Introduction to quantum information processing (CO 481/CS 467/PHYS 467)
Fall 2011:
Linear algebra for engineering (Math 115)
Winter 2011:
Quantum algorithms (CO 781/CS 867/QIC 823)
Winter 2010:
Introduction to quantum information processing (CO 481/CS 467/PHYS 467)
Spring 2009:
Discrete mathematics for engineers (ECE 103)
Winter 2009:
Advanced linear algebra 2 (Math 245)
Fall 2008: Algebra for honors mathematics (Math 135)
Winter 2008:
Quantum algorithms (CO 781)
Fall 2007: Algebra for honors mathematics (Math 135)