Assignment 5. Java
STACK Extensions -- Macros, Variables and Iteration
DUE: April
13, 2000 -- 6:00pm
In this assignment you will add variables, macros and loops to the STACK language.
First, you will need to handle a bit more variety in the input language, as defined
here in Perl-like notation:
Identifiers (IDs) are alphanumeric strings beginning
with a letter:
Whitespace still consists of blanks, tabs and newlines -- these separate symbols in the input, but otherwise the amount of whitespace should have no effect on the output.
A macro is essentially an abbreviation for a list of instructions. Macros are defined
with the macro operator. To
define a macro users must enter a number of unevaluated symbols and give a name,
which must be an ID (as defined previously), to those symbols. If the macro name is
encountered later in the program the interpreter textually substitutes the macro
definition for the macro name and continues interpreting the resulting program (this
should remind you of the pass-by-name parameter passing method).
The syntax for macro definitions is as follows:
macro name symbol1 symbol2 ... symboln orcam
The symbols macro and orcam delimit the macro definition, and name is the macro's identifier. The macro body must have at least one symbol (i.e. n >= 1). Macro definitions cannot be nested, so the symbols between macro and orcam should not be evaluated during macro definition. Once defined, a macro name can later be bound to another set of symbols, but there is no way to undefine a macro name.
For example, if the user entered
macro average add 2 exch div orcam
this would define a new macro called average. If we then entered
4 8 average show
the value 6 would be printed out.
There are many ways to implement macros. We will describe one particular approach, but
you are free to choose your own
as long as your results are consistent with ours.
One way to handle macros is to create an artificial input stream for each new macro. If a macro name is encountered during evaluation, then the interpreter begins reading from the macro's input stream. Thus, the macro definition is the next set of symbols to be evaluated. After the macro has been processed, the macro stream is reset and the interpreter returns to reading the standard input stream. It is legal for a macro to be called during execution of another macro (but using a macro name within the macro definition of that name will cause the program to infinitely recurse when the macro is called).
The second part of the assignment is to add variable assignment and use to the STACK
language. As with macros, users
must be able to assign values to identifiers and use those values later.
A STACK variable is a name, which must be an ID (as defined
previously), bound to one or more locations in memory.
Specific values may be stored in a variable and retrieved. Variables are assigned values
by the store operator.
Modifying a variable
The store operator takes two operands. The first operand is the variable name and the second is the value to be associated with that name. For example,
2 quote x store
assigns the value 2 to the variable x. Variables can be redefined, meaning that a
store to an already defined variable overwrites
the old value.
Referencing a variable
A variable's value should be returned when the variable name is evaluated. For example,
4 quote x store x dup mul show
should print the value 16. Note that the use of the token x after the store operator causes the value of variable x to be pushed on the stack. This means that any (unquoted) token appearing in the input stream that may be a variable name must be checked to see whether it is a variable name that must be evaluated (and its associated value pushed on the stack), and not cause an error as was done for Assignment 4.
In languages like C++ and Java, looping constructs allow you to execute a list of statements multiple times. In this assignment, we will restrict the loop body to one operation.
For the third part of the assignment you will implement two types of loops.
The syntax for a repeat loop is as follows:
n quote body repeat
where n is the number of loop iterations and body is the symbol to be evaluated for each loop iteration.
For all subsequent iterations, a boolean value is expected on the top of the stack. This value is popped from the stack. If it is true the loop body is re-evaluated, otherwise the while operation terminates.
The syntax for a while loop is as follows:
quote body while
where body is the symbol to be evaluated for each loop iteration.
In C++ you might write the factorial function as follows:
acc = 1;
n = 10;
while (n > 0) {
acc = acc * n;
Here's one way to write it using first the repeat and then the while operator.
1 quote acc store
10 quote n store
macro fact n acc mul quote acc store 1 n sub quote n store orcam
n quote fact repeat
1 quote acc store
10 quote n store
macro fact n acc mul quote acc store 1 n sub quote n store 0 n greater orcam
0 n greater
quote fact while
Note that the loop body for either type of iteration may be either a predefined
symbol (one of the ones from Assignment 4)
or a user-defined symbol (i.e. a macro or variable).
Some other things to keep in mind:
3 quote x store macro square dup mul orcam x square show
should print the value 9.
STACK programs have a single name space. So at any given time, you can't have more than one macro or variable with the same name.
Instructions for submitting your work:
Your work may not be graded if these procedures are not followed exactly.