Assignment 6 Grading: Java Graphics with the AWT
This project will be graded based on the functionality and clarity of the GUI components:
(3) 12 point TimesRoman font
(3) plain, bold, italic fonts
(3) selecting the location of the string
(3) moving strings
(3) deleting strings
(3) selecting color of strings
(3) start point
(3) end point
(3) moving lines
(3) deleting lines
(3) selecting color of lines
(3) select first corner
(3) select opposing corner
(3) moving rectangles
(3) deleting rectangles
(3) selecting color of rectangles
(3) select upper left corner
(3) select lower right corner
(3) moving ellipses
(3) deleting ellipses
(3) selecting color of ellipses
(3) select the sequence of points
(3) select the last point of the polyline
(3) moving polylines
(3) deleting polylines
(3) selecting color of polylines
(3) select the sequence of points
(3) select the last point of the polygons
(3) moving polygons
(3) deleting polygons
(3) selecting color of polygons
(3) exit cleanly, after a confirmation message
Total : 100 Points.
After submission, you will have to set up an appointment with the grading TA (Peng Liu, to show your program running, performing all the actions described above. The days and times for the demonstrations will be announced after the project is due.