Selected Papers on Fault Tolerance
On Fault Tolerance in Manufacturing Systems,
IEEE Network, Vol 2, No. 3, May 1988, pp. 32-39
(with Chintamaneni, Jalote and Shieh).
Modeling of Hierarchical Distributed Systems with Fault Tolerance,
IEEE Tran. on Software Engineering, Volume 16, Number 4,
April 1990, pp. 444-457
(with Shieh, Ghosal and Chintamaneni).
A Performance Analysis of a Buddy System for Fault Tolerance,
Performance Evaluation, 1990, pp 177-185 (with Finkel).
Resource Allocation for Primary-Site Fault-Tolerant Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.19, No.2,
February 1993, pp. 108-119 (with Huang).
Capacity of Voting
Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering, pp. 608--706, Vol. 19, No. 7, July 1993
(with Rangarajan and Jalote).
Reliability Intervals for k-Resilient Protocols,
to appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers (with Rangarajan and Huang).
On the
Scalability of k-Resilient Protocols, to appear in
Acta Informatica (with Rangarajan and Huang).
A Fault-Tolerant
for Replicated Data Management,
revised for IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems (with Rangarajan and Setia).
On the availability of Distributed Computer Systems with
Failing Components, Proceedings of the
ACM SIGMETRICS, Austin, August 1985.
(with Gelenbe and Finkel).
Fault Tolerant Remote Procedure Call, the 8th International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, June 1988 (with
Yap and Jalote).
Application of Petri Net Models for Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant
Techniques in Distributed Systems, Proceedings of
The 9th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
June 1989 (with Shieh, Ghosal and Chintamaneni).
Modeling Fault-Tolerant Techniques in Hierarchical Systems,
Proceedings of The Nineteenth International
Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, June 1989 (with Shieh and