CMSC 417-0201
Computer and Network Security
Fall 2011
Check at least twice weekly. See News for last update
[Oct 22] NEW
Homework 4.
(Due date: Email by Oct 28 Friday 11:59pm
or hardcopy by Oct 26 Wednesday in class.)
[Sep 29]
Sliding window note (incomplete) + Homework 2.
This note covers the sliding window protocol material in the last class.
It also contains Homework 2, which is due at the start of the next class
(Mon Oct 3). No late submission accepted.
[Sep 13]
- Piazza page for this class:
- Homework 1 posted: due Mon Sep 19; problems 5, 18, 25(a,b,c).
- Project 1 posted.
- New posts will be on Piazza (at least for now).
The fourth edition of the book is more than adequate.
The third edition is most likely adequate.
This course will cover the basic principles of networking with a focus
on protocols, implementations, and issues specific to the Internet.
We will study how routing, transport, and internetworking protocols work
using the Internet family of protocols as examples.
There will be a substantial programming component.
We will cover chapters 1-6 in the text essentially in order,
except for brief detours to cover stuff needed for the programming projects.
Required text:
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach.
by Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie, Morgan Kaufmann.
The fourth edition is more than adequate and cheaper
than the fifth edition.
The third edition is most likely adequate.
Class notes:
Programming projects
Programming projects will be in C.
The cs submit server will be used for submissions/testing.
Homeworks are due in class.
Late homework submitted within one day of deadline
will be graded out of 80%.
No submissions accepted after one day of deadline.
Submissions that are not neat and easily legible may get zero marks.
Regrade requests
Any regrade request (for exams, homeworks, projects) must be submitted
within a week of the grade being posted.
Midterm -------- approx 25% (Date: TBD)
Final ------------ approx 25% (Date: TBD)
Homeworks/projects ---- approx 45%
Class participation --------- approx 5%
"Approx" means +/− 5%.
For example, projects can become 20% and homeworks can become 30%.
Class attendance
If you have medical problems that cause you to miss homework/project deadlines
or miss exams,
you will need to bring documentation of the illness,
signed by a health care professional.
If you miss a midterm exam, the weight of the exam will be moved
to the final exam.
Academic Integrity
Homeworks and projects are to be done individually.
You may consult outside references when doing the homework,
as long as these sources are properly referenced,
you write up the solution yourself,
and you understand the answer.
For example, you can not look at other's source code
or show others your source code,
but you can discuss your program with others.
Academic dishonesty.