CMSC 412
Feb 27, 1999
N-Process Mutual Exclusion (also called Critical Section) Problem
1. Problem Definition
Given several concurrently executing processes,
P1, ...,
with each Pi executing a program of the following structure:
while true do {
NCS; // non-critical section
CS; // critical section
Come up with Entry and Exit code (that can depend on the process id)
to place around each CS so that the program executed by process Pi
is now
while true do {
NCS; // non-critical section
CS; // critical section
The system of processes should satisfy the following:
At any time at most one process is in a CS.
If a process is waiting to enter a CS.
then the process eventually enters assuming that
No process stays in a CS indefinitely
Each process executes its Entry code, CS code, and Exit code
with weak fairness.
Read-Write Atomicity:
Reads and writes of machine words are executed atomically
Note that NCS is not (necessarily) executed with weak fairness.
So the solution must handle the case where a process stays
indefinitly in its NCS (which models, for example, an infinite
loop or process termination in NCS).
Note that constructs larger than reads and writes of machine
words are not (necessarily) executed atomically.
So the solution must not depend upon such constructs being atomic.
Solving this problem actually gives us a very powerful
synchronization primitive,
namely, locks.
Suppose S1, S2, S3, ..., are chunks of code that we want
atomically executed with respect to each other;
that is, at most one Si is executing at any time.
This can be achieved by treating each Si as a CS.
The Entry code corresponds to grabbing the lock
and the Exit code corresponds to releasing the lock.
Multiple instances of the solution gives us multiple locks.
Suppose S1, S2, S3, ..., are chunks of code that are to be
atomically executed with respect to each other,
and T1, T2, T3, ..., are other chunks of code that are to be
atomically executed with respect to each other
(but Ti and Sj can be executing at the same time).
This can be achieved by having two instances of the solution.
That is, two sets of MEvars, say S.MEvars and T.MEvars,
enclose each Si by Entry(i, S.MEvars) and Exit(i, S.MEvars),
and enclose each Ti by Entry(i, T.MEvars) and Exit(i, T.MEvars).