CMSC412: info about exam 1
Questions will be from three areas:
scheduling, GeekOS, and multi-threading.
Scheduling will have smaller weight than either GeekOS or multi-threading.
Regarding GeekOS:
Get a "global" understanding of the GeekOS distribution,
as covered in the GeekOS overview note:
subsystems, context switching, signal handling, kernel vs user modes, etc.
Understand the GeekOS context of each of the projects 0-3:
which subsystems in GeekOS does project x modify or not modify,
other ways in which the project could be realized, etc.
Understand the discussion slides and the Piazza discussions
of these projects.
412-S12-Exam 1, problem 1 is a simple example.
Expect more involved questions.
Regarding scheduling:
A typical problem is as follows:
Given the arrival times and CPU requirements of threads,
obtain the finish time for each thread, average response time,
412-S12-Exam 1, problem 2 is an example.
Regarding multi-threading:
A typical problem is as follows:
given a program skeleton and synchronization requirements,
use semaphores to achieve them.
412-S12-Exam 1 problem 3 and 412-S12-Exam 2 problem 5 are examples.
Topics covered thus far.
412-S12 exam 1 and solution.
412-S12 exam 2 and solution.