![Women of Applied Mathematics: Research and Leadership](Title.gif)
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- 2:00 pm
Systems of Conservation
Laws in Continuum Physics
Konstantina Trivisa
Department of
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Quasilinear systems in divergence form, commonly known as "hyperbolic
conservation laws", govern a broad spectrum of physical phenomena in
compressible fluid dynamics, nonlinear materials science, particle physics,
semiconductors, combustion and other applied areas. Such equations admit
solutions that may exhibit various kinds of shocks and other nonlinear waves,
which play an significant role in multiple areas of physics. In recent years,
major progress has been made in both the theoretical and the numerical aspects
of this field. In this talk we present results on the qualitative behavior of
solutions to hyperbolic conservation laws, in particular we explore the
existence, uniqueness and asymptotic analysis of solutions.
- 2:30 pm
Numerical Methods for
Conservation Laws on Cartesian Meshes with Embedded Geometry
Marsha Berger
Courant Institute
251 Mercer St.
New York, NY
Cartesian mesh methods with embedded geometry can easily and robustly
produce a mesh in a very complicated domain. In exchange, these methods push
the difficulty of dealing with the cut cells at the boundary onto the flow
solver. There is an accuracy issue since the mesh is extremely irregular at the
boundary; and there is a stability issue for explicit schemes, since the cell
volumes can be orders of magnitude smaller than the regular cell volumes. In
this talk we discuss some of these technical issues and some proposed solutions
to the problems that arise in solving time dependent systems of conservation
This is joint work with Michael Aftosmis and Scott Murman of NASA
Ames Research Center, and Christiane Helzel from the University of Bonn.
- 3:00 pm
A Projection-Based Approach
to General Form Tikhonov Regularization
Misha E. Kilmer
Bromfield-Pearson Building
Mathematics Dept.
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02115
Linear ill-posed problems occur frequently in the physical sciences.
The Fredholm equation that is typically used to mathematically describe the
blurring of an image by, say, a faulty lens, is an example of a linear
ill-posed problem. The term discrete ill-posed problem refers to a
discretization of linear ill-posed problem. The difficulty in solving discrete
ill-posed problems is that the measured data actually contains noise. Further,
the matrix is typically very ill-conditioned. The ill-conditioning of the
matrix, together with the noise in the data, renders the least squares solution
worthless. A regularization technique must be used to lessen the effect of
noise on the solution. A standard technique for approximating the true solution
in the presence of noise is to solve the Tikhonov regularized problem. The
quality of this solution relative to the noise-free solution depends on the
value of a regularization parameter whose value is usually not known a priori.
In this work we consider a projection-based variant of the well-known Tikhonov
regularization method for the solution of large-scale, linear discrete
ill-posed problems when the regularization operator is not the identity. Our
method is appropriate when it is infeasible, from a computational point of
view, to transform the regularized problem to standard form. Further, by
considering the projected problem, we show how estimates of the corresponding
optimal regularization parameter can be efficiently obtained. Numerical results
illustrate the promise our projection-based approach.
This is joint
work with Per Christian Hansen and Michael Jacobsen, both of whom are
affiliated with the Informatics and Mathematical Modelling Section for
Numerical Analysis at the Technical University of Denmark.
- 4:00 pm
Determining the Earth's
Microstructure by Statistical Seismic Imaging
Susan E. Minkoff
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
The mechanical properties of the earth's interior vary over a range of
spatial scales spanning many orders of magnitude. Seismic waves provide a means
of probing the earth's interior, and hopefully illuminating the important
statistical character of both deep crustal structures and near surface
features. I will describe an extension to an operator-based upscaling
technique, previously developed for elliptic flow problems, applied to finite
difference solutions of the wave equation. The upscaling algorithm will be used
to correlate earth model statistics with material properties.
This work
is joint with Oksana Korostyshevskaya and Tetyana Vdovina at UMBC as well as
Bill Symes, Christian Poppeliers, and Alan Levander at Rice University.
- 4:30 pm
Title TBA
Mary Wheeler
University of Texas at Austin
Abstract TBA
- 5:00 pm
The Identification of a
Time Dependent Parameter in a Soil Column Study
Maeve L. McCarthy
Mathematics & Statistics
Murray State University
6C Faculty
Murray, KY 42071-3341
Soil column studies are used frequently in seeking to understand the
behavior of a particular contaminant in a saturated homogeneous soil of a given
type. The concentration of the contaminant is modelled by a parabolic partial
differential equation. We seek to identify the sorption partitioning
coefficient as a function of time from limited boundary data. We discuss two
approaches to the problem. The first is an output least squares formulation
with Tikhonov regularization. This method can be used to explicitly
characterize the unknown partitioning coefficient in terms of a co-state
equation. However, computational issues arise in the solution of the co-state
equation and its use in the solution of the inverse problem. In the second
approach, we use a mass balance law to determine the initial value of the
partitioning coefficient. A particular discretization of the pde allows us to
develop a time marching scheme to solve for the unknown partitioning
This is joint work with K. Renee Fister (Murray State
University) and Seth F. Oppenheimer (Mississippi State University).
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- 2:00 pm
Global Analysis of the
Forced van der Pol Equation: The Slow Flow and Canard Solutions
Kathleen Hoffman
Dept. of Math. and Stat.
1000 Hilltop
Baltimore MD 21250
The global bifurcation structure of multi-timescale systems is poorly
understood despite the pervasiveness of these systems throughout science and
engineering. The forced van der Pol oscillator serves as a classic
example of a multi-timescale system as well as the basis for many models in
neurobiology. I will discuss a hybrid system that approximates the forced
van der Pol equation. The hybrid system consists of the trajectories
that follow the ``slow flow'' and ``jumps'' to approximate the fast subsystem.
The global bifurcations of the fixed points and periodic points of this hybrid
system lead to an understanding of the bifurcations in the periodic orbits
(without canards) of the forced van der Pol system. In addition, I
will describe a modified hybrid system that includes the canard solutions and
briefly describe the additional bifurcations that occur in this extended map.
This is joint work with John Guckenheimer from Cornell University,
Warren Weckesser at Colgate University.
- 2:30 pm
Integrative Models of
Swimming Organisms
Lisa J. Fauci
Tulane University
Department of Mathematics
New Orleans, LA 70118
Problems in biological fluid dynamics typically involve the
interaction of an elastic structure with the surrounding fluid. Motile
spermatozoa in the reproductive tract and swimming leeches are examples of such
fluid-structure interactions. We will describe a unified computational
approach, based upon an immersed boundary framework, that couples internal
force-generating mechanisms of organisms and cells with an external, viscous,
incompressible fluid. This approach can be applied to model low, moderate, and
high Reynolds number fl ow regimes. We will present recent progress on coupling
internal molecular motor mechanisms of beating cilia and flagella with an
external fluid, as well as coupling muscle mechanics with fluid dynamics in
three dimensional undulatory swimming of nematodes and leeches.
- 3:00 pm
Measuring Noise-Sensitivity
in Dynamical Systems
Rachel Kuske
University of British
121-1984 Mathematics Road
Vancouver, BC V6K 1T5
We outline asymptotic approaches for analyzing and quantifying the
effects of small noise in certain types of dynamics. To illustrate the methods,
we will focus on two main areas: metastable interfaces and stochastic effects
in models with delay. In these systems, small noise can result in significant
qualitative variation in behavior. Although very different models, they have
many similarities from the viewpoint of stochastic dynamics. Generalizations to
other areas will also be discussed.
This is joint work with Malgorzata
Klosek at NIH and Michael Ward at UBC.
- 4:00 pm
Modeling Immunotherapy
and Chemotherapy Cancer Treatments
Lisette de Pillis
Mudd College
Department of Mathematics
1250 N. Dartmouth Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711
We develop a mathematical model that describes tumor-immune
interactions on a cell-population level. The goal of this model is to
understand the dynamics of tumor growth and rejection, as well as to describe a
tumor's response to immunotherapy and chemotherapy treatments. The model
focuses on the interaction of the NK and CD8+
T cells with various tumor cell lines using a system of ordinary
differential equations. Recent experimental studies have brought to light new
information about the immune response to tumor in human subjects. Our
mathematical model is validated by comparing computer simulations to the data
provided in these studies.
This is joint work with A.E. Radunskaya of
Pomona College.
- 4:30 pm
Towards the Multiscale
Numerical Simulation of Biochemical Networks
Linda Petzold
Department of Computer Science
University of California
Santa Barbara,
CA 93106
In microscopic systems formed by living cells, small numbers of
reactant molecules can result in dynamical behavior that is discrete and
stochastic rather than continuous and deterministic. In simulating and
analyzing such behavior it is essential to employ methods that directly take
into account the underlying discrete stochastic nature of the molecular events.
This leads to an accurate description of the system that in many important
cases is impossible to obtain through deterministic continuous modeling (e.g.
ODE's). Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA) has been widely used
to treat these problems. However as a procedure that simulates every reaction
event, it is prohibitively inefficient for most realistic problems. We report
on our progress in developing a multiscale computational framework for the
numerical simulation of chemically reacting systems, where each reaction will
be treated at the appropriate scale. The framework is based on a sequence of
approximations ranging from SSA at the smallest scale, through a
``birth-death'' Markov process approximation, Gillespie's recently-developed
tau-leaping approximation, a continuous stochastic differential equation (SDE)
approximation, and finally to the familiar reaction rate equations (ODE's) at
the coarsest scales.
- 5:00 pm
Bosonic Fock Space on
Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups
Masha Gordina
Department of
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269
We describe an infinite-dimensional analogue of different
representations of a bosonic Fock space. The bosonic Fock space can be
described as the state space of a system of boson particles. The transfer of
results from commutative (flat) spaces to curved infinite-dimensional spaces
(such as spaces of loops) is of interest in the string theory. The main
ingredient of our description is construction of the Gaussian (heat kernel)
measure on infinite-dimensional Lie groups. Often physicists use the
``Lebesgue'' measure on such spaces. This measure usually does not exist as a
mathematical object, therefore one needs a suitable replacement. Once the
measure is defined, it is possible to prove the equivalence of two
representations of the bosonic Fock space, namely, as the space of holomorphic
L2-functions and a space of tensors. The infinite-dimensional groups
we consider are described as invertible elements of von Neumann algebras, and
the heat kernel measure is defined by using stochastic differential equations
on noncommutative L2-spaces. As examples
we present the construction for infinite-dimensional orthogonal and symplectic
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- 10:00 am
Multiphase Fluid Mechanics
in Self-Deforming Tissues
Sharon R. Lubkin
Dept. of
North Carolina State University
Box 8205
Raleigh, NC
Tissues that are growing and changing shape, whether in development,
maintenance, or disease, are deformed by forces which they generate themselves.
Ongoing work in our group aims to understand how tissues deform themselves. The
approach involves a continuum approximation of tissue properties, and results
in multiphase fluid models of various kinds. We present two problems in tissue
dynamics, one in development and one in disease.
- 10:30 am
Pattern and Paradox:
Shock Interactions in the Nonlinear Wave System
Barbara Lee
Department of Mathematics
University of Houston
P. G. Hoffman Hall
Houston, TX 77204-3008
An approach to analysing hyperbolic conservation laws in several space
variables is to examine two-dimensional Riemann problems. Use of self-similar
coordinates reduces the problem to a system of conservation laws in two
variables; however, the system now changes type, and a complete analysis
requires solving unusual boundary-value problems for degenerate elliptic and
degenerate hyperbolic equations, as well as free-boundary problems for such
equations. Recent work is beginning to resolve some of these difficulties.
This talk combines analytical and numerical results to study a
bifurcation sequence of interacting shocks in the nonlinear wave system, a
simplified system related to the isentropic gas dynamics equations. As the
shock angle is varied, one sees transitions beginning with regular reflection
and ending with von Neumann reflection.
The theory is joint work with
Suncica Canic and Eun Heui Kim; numerical simulations have been performed by
Alexander Kurganov, Maria Lukacova, Richard Sanders and Manuel Torrilhon.
- 11:00 am
Pattern Prediction in
Frontal Polymerization
Laura K. Gross
Dept. of
Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
The University of Akron
Akron, OH
In free-radical frontal polymerization, a reaction front progresses
through a mixture of monomer and initiator, leaving a polymer in its wake. The
behavior of the front depends upon the geometry of the system, material
properties, and the reaction mechanism. In stable cases, perturbations to a
traveling wave die out. In unstable regimes, pulsating, spinning, and standing
waves emerge. In this talk, I will explain the essential mechanism of pattern
selection based on linear and nonlinear stability analyses of a
moving-boundary-value problem.
This is joint work with Donna Comissiong
and Vladimir Volpert from Northwestern University.
- 11:30 am
Numerical Solution of the
Shallow Water Equations in Lagrangian Coordinates
Jodi L. Mead
Department of Mathematics
Boise State University
1910 University
Boise, ID 83725-1555
The Shallow Water Equations are frequently used as a model for both
atmospheric and oceanographic circulation. They are a simple form of the
equations of motion that describe the evolution of an incompressible fluid in
response to gravitational and rotational accelerations. In this work we write
these equations in Lagrangian coordinates, and the positions of fluid particles
are identified for all time. Lagrangian coordinates are useful for following
contaminant transport and for assimilation of Lagrangian data. They also give a
well posed statement of the full Navier-Stokes equations in a region. These
coordinates do no vary with time because the independent variables are the
particles' fixed initial position (compare with Eulerian coordinates where the
independent variables are the fixed spatial position), thus the numerical
solution can be found with traditional methods. Both a low order finite
difference method, and a high order Chebyshev pseudospectral method in space
with a fourth order Runge-Kutta method in time, are used to solve the
Lagrangian shallow water equations. The test cases include linear solutions
(center, source, spiral sink) and a nonlinear solution. It will be shown that
the particles' trajectories can be accurately computed by solving the
Lagrangian shallow water equations for realistic temporal and spatial scales.
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- 10:00 am
Integer Programming
Cynthia A. Phillips
Sandia National
Mail Stop 1110
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM
Integer programming is the maximization or minimization of a linear
objective function subject to linear constraints with the added restriction
that variables must take integer values. Integer programs (IPs) are a general
way to express a huge class of discrete optimization problems such as
scheduling, vehicle routing, protein folding, and network vulnerability
analysis. Integer programming is NP-complete, meaning it is formally
intractible. However, it is the workhorse method for solving hard resource
allocation problems in practice. Also, the linear-programming relaxation of an
IP, obtained by relaxing the integrality constraints, is solvable. In this talk
I'll describe the techniques for massively-parallel solution of integer
programs that are implemented in the PICO (Parallel Integer and Combinatorial
Optimizer) massively-parallel integer programming solver. At the highest level
PICO uses a classic approach, (approximately) solving IPs using intelligent
search based on branch-and-bound and branch-and-cut (constraint generation). I
will describe various sources of parallelism in IP, beyond the obvious
subproblem parallelism, including parallel gradient evalution, parallel
bounding, parallel model improvement, and parallel cooperative search. I will
also describe how to use linear-programming relaxations to efficiently compute
provably-good approximate solutions to integer programs.
This is joint
work with Jonathan Eckstein of Rutgers University and William Hart of Sandia
National Laboratories.
- 10:30 am
Ferment in Direct Search
Margaret H. Wright
Computer Science Department
Courant Institute, New York University
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY
Direct search methods, which optimize without derivatives, have come a
long way from their once-scorned state of 25 years ago. Recent research has
given rise to interesting and even contentious issues, ranging from the nature
of convergence proofs and the associated assumptions to the proper role of
these methods in modern optimization practice. This talk will examine the
current status and implications of selected questions about direct search
- 11:00 am
Optimal Control Applied to
Cell-Kill Strategies
K. Renee Fister
6C-7 Faculty Hall
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Murray State University
Murray, KY 42071
Optimal control techniques are used to develop optimal strategies for
chemotherapy. In particular, we investigate the qualitative differences between
three different cell-kill models: log-kill hypothesis (cell-kill is
proportional to mass); Norton-Simon hypothesis (cell-kill is proportional to
growth rate); and, Emax hypothesis
(cell-kill is proportional to a saturable function of mass). For each
hypothesis, an optimal drug strategy is characterized that minimizes the cancer
mass and the cost (in terms of total amount of drug). The cost of the drug is
nonlinearly defined in one objective functional and linearly defined in the
other. Existence and uniqueness for the optimal control problems are analyzed.
Each of the optimality systems, which consists of the state system coupled with
the adjoint system, is characterized. Finally, numerical results show that
there are qualitatively different treatment schemes for each model studied. In
particular, the log-kill hypothesis requires less drug compared to the
Norton-Simon hypothesis to reduce the cancer an equivalent amount over the
treatment interval. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of cell-kill for
specific treatments is of great importance when developing optimal treatment
This is joint work with J. Carl Panetta from St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.
- 11:30 am
Systems Hard to
Control: an Adaptive Approach
Naira Hovakimyan
Department of
Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Linear systems
theory provides a firm foundation for design tools in optimal control and
estimation problems, which constitute the basis for many of the synthesis
approaches up today. This has to do with the fact that most of the physical
systems are nearly linear over some operating range, and as a consequence the
performance of linear based designs is often satisfactory, particularly when
these designs are extended by gain scheduling, or by performing recursive
linearizations. The problems of nonlinear estimation and control have been
therefore predominantly considered in the framework of "extending" linear
designs from one operational point to another. Such an approach works as long
as the time variation of the state variables upon which the nonlinearities
depend is slow in comparison to the evolution of regulated outputs and
measurements. The presentation will give a brief overview of
observer/controller design problems for nonlinear systems from the perspective
of augmenting linear designs. In both problems, an adaptive element is added to
the nominal design to provide a correction that accounts for modeling errors.
The error signal for adaptive laws is generated through a linear observer of
the nominal system's error dynamics. Ultimate boundedness of error signals is
proven through Lyapunov's direct method. Several benchmark problems will
illustrate the theoretical results. The future research avenues will summarize
the presentation.
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- 2:30 pm
Issues in High-Performance
Numerical Libraries
Lois Curfman McInnes
Mathematics and
Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass
Argonne, IL 60439-4844
Computational scientists have benefited from the encapsulation of
expertise in numerical libraries for many years. However, the complexity and
scale of today's high-fidelity, multidisciplinary scientific simulations imply
that development work must often be leveraged over many groups, with numerous
software updates during an application's lifetime to address algorithmic
advances and changing computational environments. This presentation will
discuss an effective approach for addressing these challenges in parallel
numerical software for nonlinear PDEs and optimization, namely the development
of component-based numerical libraries. We will introduce the ideas of the
Common Component Architecture (CCA) Forum (http://www.cca-forum.org) for
building component interfaces and implementations specifically targeted at
high-performance scientific computing. We will also illustrate this approach
with numerical applications that employ the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for
Scientific Computation (PETSc) and the Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO).
- 3:00 pm
Blending Systems and Optimal
Alphabetic Trees
Maria Klawe
Dean of Engineering and Applied
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544
question of whether there is a linear time algorithm for the construction of
optimal alphabetic binary trees is a long-standing open problem in theoretical
computer science. The fastest known algorithm for the general case, due to Hu
and Tucker, runs in O(n log n) time and is over
thirty years old. This talk presents a new approach to a key sub-problem
occurring in the construction of optimal trees. The new approach yields a
linear time algorithm for a wider subclass of cases than previously known.
- 3:30 pm
Load Balancing for Emerging
Karen Devine
Sandia National Laboratories
Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1111
With the creation of robust graph-partitioning software, many people
felt load balancing was a "solved problem." Indeed, graph partitioners have
excelled in enabling scalability in mesh-based PDE applications. However, in
many other application areas (e.g., circuit, biology, contact, and
nanotechnology simulations), straightforward graph partitioning is not the
entire answer. Unlike mesh-based PDE applications, whose square, symmetric
relationships are well represented by graphs, these emerging applications are
characterized by non-homogeneous topologies, highly connected systems,
geometric relationships, and non-square, non-symmetric data dependencies. In
this talk, we look at partitioning models and techniques that can improve the
performance and scalability of these new applications.
This is joint
work with Erik Boman, Robert Heaphy, and Bruce Hendrickson (Sandia National
Laboratories) and Robert Preis (U. Paderborn).
- 4:30 pm
Solution Methods for
Large-Scale Nonlinear Diffusion Problems
Carol S. Woodward
Center for Applied Scientific Computing
Lawrence Livermore National
P.O. Box 808, L-561
Livermore, CA 94551
Many mathematical models found in DOE applications result in nonlinear
diffusion problems. In the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, we have been researching various methods for
solving the nonlinear systems arising at each time step in an implicit
integration of these problems. In this talk, I will overview our work on
solution methods for these problems. In particular, I will discuss a novel but
small twist on Newton-Krylov methods which may help reduce time required for
each iteration, a scalability theory for Newton-multigrid methods, some
developments in extensions of algebraic multigrid methods to nonlinear
problems, and the application of a two-grid method which transfers the
nonlinearity to a coarse grid leaving only a linear system on the original
(fine) grid. Where possible, numerical results will be given showing how these
methods work on nonlinear diffusion problems found in radiative transport and
groundwater flow.
Various parts of this work were done in collaboration
with Peter Brown (LLNL), Homer Walker (WPI), Panayot Vassilevski (LLNL), Miguel
Dumett (USC), and Todd Coffey (SNL).
This work was performed under the
auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. Release number:
- 5:00 pm
Convergence to Equilibrium
in Nonlocal Dispersal
Gwendolen Hines
Department of
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE 68588-0323
In the
modeling of dispersal of organisms and genes, it is often assumed that
diffusion is the main mechanism for dispersal, and hence reaction-diffusion
equations are commonly used. In recent literature however, it has been
suggested that diffusion might not always be a very accurate model of
dispersal, and more general models have been suggested. In this talk, we
discuss a model where the dispersal is given by a nonlocal convolution term and
we compare the long-term dynamics of the reaction-diffusion model with those of
the nonlocal model. It is well known that in the reaction-diffusion model, the
population converges to a constant distribution, but we will prove that this is
not the case for the nonlocal model, provided the dispersal rate is fairly
This is joint work with Michael Grinfeld, Vivian Hutson,
Konstantin Mischaikow and Glenn Vickers.
- 5:30 pm
Impacts of Spatial
Heterogeneity on Plague
Holly Gaff
Dynamics Technology, Inc.
1555 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700 Arlington, Virginia 22209
Plague is
often thought of as an extinct disease, but plague is a naturally occurring
disease today that is also one of the top biowarfare threats. Plague, caused by
Yersinia pestis, is a complex vector-borne disease
involving fleas, rodents and humans. We developed a spatially-explicit
mathematical model by extending the standard epidemiological SEIR model to a
landscape of patches. We use this model to evaluate how the disease spreads
across a landscape naturally as well as from potential biological attacks. We
also analyze the effectiveness of different control measures, such as
quarantine and culling, in an attempt to understand how spatial patterns can be
used most effectively to stop the spread of the disease. Finally, we are
beginning apply this model, which was developed in a general mathematical
framework, to other diseases.
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- 2:30 pm
Mesh Quality Improvement
Lori Freitag Diachin
Center for Advanced Scientific Computing
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA 94551
In this
presentation, I give an overview of the mesh quality improvement problem. Mesh
quality is well known to affect both the solution time and accuracy of
numerical solutions to PDE-based applications. I discuss my research in this
area and focus on several aspects of the problem. First, I show the
relationship between mesh quality and solution efficiency and present several
examples that clearly demonstrate the need for mesh quality improvement
algorithms. Second, I discuss an optimization-based approach to the mesh
quality improvement problem that focuses on improving the worst quality
elements. I give several examples of its use to improve and untangle simplicial
meshes and discuss strategies that combine this method with related approaches
designed to improve average element quality. Finally, I describe the Mesquite
mesh quality improvement toolkit, a software project designed to incorporate
state-of-the-art quality metrics, objective functions and algorithms into one,
easily-accessible software library.
Various aspects of this talk are
the result of joint work with the following collaborators: Patrick Knupp from
Sandia National Laboratories, Carl Ollivier-Gooch at the University of British
Columbia, and Paul Plassmann at the Pennsylvania State University.
- 3:00 pm
Creating a Medical
Diagnostic Tool using Tissue Stiffness Properties
Joyce R.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Math Department A. E. 415
110 8th Street
Troy, New York 12180
An impulse is
imparted on the surface of the body initiating an elastic wave. An ultrafast
ultrasound imaging system, developed by Mathias Fink, measures the space and
time dependent downward component of the displacement of this wave as it
propagates in the interior of the body. This talk will show how to use the
propagating front of this wave to create an image of shear wavespeed
variations. Shear wavespeed is chosen since it increases 2-4 times in abnormal
- 3:30 pm
Optimal Finite Difference
Grids for Targeted Approximations
Shari Moskow
358 Little Hall
University of Flordia
P.O. Box 118105
Gainesville, FL 32611-8105
Most numerical methods for PDEs are intended to give equally good
results at all points on the domain. However, in geophysical simulations, for
example, one really only cares about the accuracy of the solution at
prespecified receiver locations. Here we describe an optimal grid approach
which is based on rational approximation. We show how it can be used for a
variety of physical problems.
This is joint work with Vladimir Druskin
of Schlumberger-Doll Research.
- 4:30 pm
An Algebraic Multigrid
Solver for Meshfree Discretizations
Suely Oliveira
of Computer Science
The University of Iowa
14 MLH
Iowa City, IA
Meshfree discretizations construct approximate solutions to partial
differential equation based on particles, not on meshes, so that it is well
suited to solve the problems on irregular domains. Since the nodal basis
property is not satisfied in meshfree discretizations, it is difficult to
handle essential boundary conditions. We employ the Lagrange multiplier
approach to solve this problem, but this will result in an indefinite linear
system. As a solver for this system, we propose a new Algebraic Multigrid (AMG)
method which is a modification of aggregation which uses neighborhood and
boundary information. We verify the effectiveness of our new AMG method by
theoretical and numerical results.
- 5:00 pm
Hierarchical Matrices and
Iterative Solvers
Sabine Le Borne
Department of Mathematics
Box 5054
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, TN 38505
Hierarchical matrices (H-matrices) provide a technique for the sparse
approximation of large, fully populated matrices. This technique has been shown
to be applicable to stiffness matrices arising in boundary element method (BEM)
and finite element method (FEM) applications. In the latter case, it is the
inverse stiffness matrix that is fully populated and approximated by an
H-matrix. The approximation of a dense matrix by an H-matrix is, in short, a
consequence of the exponential convergence of a separable function to certain
parts G(x,y)|w1 x w2 of Green's function. The
significance of H-matrices lies in their (nearly) optimal storage and
computational complexities O(n logα n)
which are required not only for the matrix-vector multiplication but
also, which distinguishes the H-matrix technique from related methods such as
panel clustering or multipole methods, for matrix-matrix multiplication and
(approximate) matrix inversion. Given a matrix A and a vector b, we compute an
(explicit!) H-matrix approximant (in nearly linear time) to the inverse
A-1 which will be used as a preconditioner/smoother in an iteration
to find the solution x = A-1b. The importance of such fast
techniques is justified with today's large scale applications - the faster the
computers, the stronger becomes the need for such (nearly) optimal solution
algorithms. In this talk, we will introduce the construction of H-matrices in
the standard setting together with some complexity and approximation
properties. We will then demonstrate the shortcomings of applying the standard
H-matrix technique to the singularly perturbed convection-diffusion equation.
We will develop modifications of the standard H-matrix construction that depend
on the convection direction which yield significantly improved H-matrix
approximants. We will use the resulting H-matrix approximants as
preconditioners in iterative methods and provide numerical illustrations.
- 5:30 pm
Representability of Rank 3
Combinatorial Geometries
Sandra Kingan
Department of
Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Penn State Harrisburg
Middletown, PA
A rank 3 combinatorial geometry (simple matroid) consists of a set of
points and a family of distinguished subsets of points called lines that
satisfy two properties: any two distinct points belong to exactly one line; and
any line has at least two distinct points. A geometry is said to be
representable over a finite field GF(q), where q is a power of a prime, if
there is a rank preserving map from the elements of the geometry to a matrix
with entries from GF(q). We show how to use automated matroid generation to
study the representability problem for rank 3 geometries. We verify that up to
9 elements all except four rank 3 geometries are representable and the bound on
the order of the field is 11.
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