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Previous: What can be done
What can be done within graduate education?
Faculty need to use their contacts at peer institutions
to identify qualified female undergraduates and then actively
recruit them.
When you write a letter of recommendation for a woman,
list her qualifications and accomplishments and then draft
the letter pretending that you are discussing a male
candidate. You may find that you write a very different
(and more fair) letter using this approach.
Success begets success - to the extent that current students are
treated with fairness and encouragement, good male and
female candidates will be likely to choose that department.
``All women students and faculty interviewed reported that they joined
it rather than a department at an other prestigious institution,
because of their perception that it offered a collaborative,
cooperative, and collegial milieu. They were attracted by the warm
interpersonal interactions they had experienced when they
interviewed and by a sense of personal concern for the
candidate conveyed by faculty and students. ...
Most had been disturbed by the demoralization of students at
other departments where they had interviewed, having heard
stories of exploitative advisors and anonymity in large research
H. Etzkowitz, C. Kemelgor, M. Neuschatz, B. Uzzi
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Up: Accessibility of Computer Science:
Previous: What can be done
Dianne O'Leary