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Up: Accessibility of Computer Science:
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What can be done in beginning courses?
- Accommodate a variety of different backgrounds.
If the first course weeds out students who have little
background in programming, then many talented students
will be turned away, including a disproportionate percentage
of women. If prior experience is assumed from
entering students, then to remedy this loss
there would need to be an institutional commitment.
Offering a summer orientation course to introduce the
necessary principles is one such example. One alternative
would be to establish an alternate introductory
course, for students with less background, that has more class
meetings or a two-semester duration, and to
provide more supervised hands-on experience as
part of the curriculum.
Communicate the broad applicability
of Computer Science to life and societal issues.
Medicine relies heavily on visualization. Biology
uses pattern matching. Encryption and privacy are essential
for banking and e-commerce. Numerical and statistical
computations form the basis for data analysis in science,
engineering, and the social sciences.
- Choose projects
that make applications clear and that draw upon
the students' previous experience. Some examples:
- Discuss privacy and security issues with the class and
have them program an encryption algorithm.
- Program a code-breaking algorithm.
- Write a simplified spreadsheet package.
- To illustrate sorting and searching, write a spell-checker.
- Write a program to reformat a paragraph to a given width.
- Write a user-interface for an existing spell-checker.
- Write a simplified ``draw" program or mail-filter.
Girls usually score better than boys
on verbal tests, and boys have more difficulty than
girls in learning to read. But schools do not take this as a reason
for letting boys drop out of reading classes. Quite the reverse: most
schools have remedial reading classes which are used predominantly by boys.
Teachers put extra effort into teaching boys to read to make up for any
deficiency, whether its origin is biological or social.
A. Kelly
Next: What can be done
Up: Accessibility of Computer Science:
Previous: What can be done
Dianne O'Leary