AMSC/CMSC 662 Homework 7, Fall 2013 As you know, Homework 7 is a class presentation. The dates for the presentations are shown on the tentative schedule on the course homepage: "Presentations" will be at most 13 minutes, followed by a few minutes of questions. Your grade will be based on clarity of your presentation, appropriate choice of material, and your understanding of the issues. To choose your topic: 1. Go to the link you find at 2. Find a topic that no one has chosen yet. Enter a name (your name, or a pseudonym, if you prefer not to give doodle that information) and claim a topic by checking the corresponding box. 3. Checking more than one box has the same effect as checking none -- I will not recognize your claim to any topic. 4. Do not check a box for a topic that someone has already claimed. 5. Look at the table again after you make your choice, just to be sure that your claim was recorded. 6. Send me email with "subject" giving the topic and the body of the email just containing your real name and the name you entered on doodle. If you would prefer to submit a video presentation instead of making an in-class presentation, request that in your email. Notice: 1. The dates shown on doodle have nothing to do with the date that you will present: "October n" is a pseudonym for "Topic n" and "November n" means "Topic 30+n". The date of your presentation will be on or after the date indicated below. 2. Yes, it would be possible for a dishonest student to modify someone else's entry, since Doodle does not authenticate users who are not registered with the website. But this would be an academic integrity violation, so I'm sure none of you would do this. 3. I will consider requests for topics not on the list, but I advise you to get such requests to me very soon. Once you claim one of the topics on the list, I'll expect you to stay with it until September 26. After that, you may request a different unclaimed topic. 4. If a reference is given, consider it a starting point. You may need to read other material in order to understand the topic, and you may find a better reference. --------------------------------------------------------------- Software choices and tools: Presentations on or after Oct 22. These presentations will focus understanding these tools/methods and demonstrating their usefulness in scientific computing. Topic labeled October 1: Demonstrate the use of Matlab's debugger. Topic labeled October 2: Demonstrate the use of gcc's debugger (assuming that people have heard about Matlab's). Topic labeled October 3: Demonstrate the use of Matlab "profile". Topic labeled October 4: Demonstrate the use of a gcc profiler (assuming that people have heard about Matlab's). Topic labeled October 5: Demonstrate the use of Dropbox for backup, filesharing, and version control. Discuss advantages and disadvantages. Topic labeled October 6: Demonstrate the use of Python for solving f(x)=0. Topic labeled October 7: symbolic computation: demonstrate Matlab's ability to solve polynomials, and to differentiate functions, putting the output in C format Topic labeled October 8: testing and validating scientific software Topic labeled October 9: windows vs linux vs ios --------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis of algorithms: Presentations on or after Nov 14. These presentations will explain the properties of specific algorithms. Topic labeled October 10: sorting out of core Topic labeled October 11: generating random numbers Topic labeled October 12: randomized algorithms for matrix approximation Choose one algorithm and discuss how it works, how well it works, and how expensive it is. Topic labeled October 13: complexity proof for heapsort Topic labeled October 14: proof of correctness for heapsort Topic labeled October 15: DES, AES, and PGP encryption Topic labeled October 16: The halting problem Topic labeled October 17: parallel algorithms for sorting Topic labeled October 18: communication avoiding sparse solvers Topic labeled October 19: communication avoiding qr factorization --------------------------------------------------------------- Unusual approaches to scientific computing: Presentations on or after Nov 21. These presentations will describe these approaches and discuss their appropriate use in scientific computing. Topic labeled October 20: map reduce for scientific computing Topic labeled October 21: scientific computing in the cloud HTC Scientific Computing in a Distributed Cloud Environment Topic labeled October 22: scientific computing on your phone: what it is, how does it work, what other scientific computing apps might be possible Topic labeled October 23: crowd sourcing for science Topic labeled October 24: The ILLIAC IV computer,d.cWc Topic labeled October 25: Architecture of the IBM Blue Gene supercomputer Topic labeled October 26: Quantum computing: superposition and how it changes the complexity of algorithms Topic labeled October 27: Quantum computing: The Dwave machine, how it is programmed, the controversy about how it works, and what it is good for. Topic labeled October 28: Quantum algorithms: Shor's algorithm, and what it means for encryption Topic labeled October 29: computing with encrypted data,d.cWc Topic labeled October 30: content addressable memory: How could it be used for scientific computing? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Policy issues: Presentations on or after Dec 8. These presentations focus on the implications of these issues for scientific computing and on why they are important to people doing computational science. Topic labeled October 31: reproducible research,d.cWc cse12#5 2010 sept/oct p8 Topic labeled November 2: open source scientific software including , gnu projects including octave, and Topic labeled November 3: password crackers Topic labeled November 4: power-aware computing Topic labeled November 5: hacking public infrastructure -----------------------------------------------------------------------