During the quiz you may use the Larsson&Thomee textbook, 
anything from the course website or from the SCCS website, 
and your own notes.

No calculators or other electronic devices are permitted.
You may leave arithmetic expressions in any form that a
calculator could evaluate.

Please make sure your cell phones, etc. are quiet during class
and off during quizzes.

For Quiz 1, be able to:

-- Apply the Maximum Principle, Minimum Principle, and the
   stronger variant of the Maximum Principle to draw
   conclusions about the behavior of the solution to an

-- Use Theorem 2.2.

-- Define uniqueness and stability of the solution of an ODE-BVP.

-- Given a function, compute its sup-norm.

-- Solve Problem 2.1.
   (Try guessing the solution 
   u(x) = alpha exp(sqrt(c) x) + beta exp(-sqrt(c) x) + gamma 
   where alpha, beta, and gamma are constants.)

-- Solve Problem 2.3. (Use what we called the minimum principle)