2008 AMSC 607 /CMSC 764 Term Project Information
Clarifications are colored red.
12-02-08 Notes
For your project,
do one of the following:
Option 1. Choose a recent paper on optimization.
("Recent" means "published within the last two years".)
Summarize it and demonstrate the ideas in a Matlab code.
Semi-definite programming or conic optimization are particularly
good areas.
Option 2. Write a Matlab program to solve an unconstrained
optimization problem using the quasi-Newton method. Accumulate a
(dense) factorization of B, and provide options for both line search and
trust region.
Develop a reasonable algorithm to initialize B, and also allow for
use of a user estimate.
Demonstrate that your program performs better than Mathworks' version
on a variety of problems.
Option 3.
Write a Matlab program to solve a large unconstrained
optimization problem using the quasi-Newton method. Provide options
for a
sparse factorization of B as well as a limited-memory version,
and provide options for both line search and
trust region.
Develop a reasonable algorithm to initialize B, and also allow for
use of a user estimate.
Demonstrate that your program performs better than Mathworks' version
on a variety of problems with a large number of variables.
Deadlines and points:
By November 10, you should send me e-mail with the title
and a short description of your project.
I will send you email telling you whether the project is acceptable.
The project is due at 12 noon, Monday December 15.
It is worth 100 points.
There will be a 15% penalty
for projects turned in up to 24 hours
late, 30% penalty for projects turned in
24--48 hours late, etc.
What to submit for the project:
Your project must have these four components:
A written discussion, in the form of at most 40 slides,
prepared as if you were giving a 40-50 minute talk on your project.
(I will stop reading at the 40th slide.)
The first slide gives only the title, your name,
and possibly a reference to a single paper.
A list of open research problems related to your paper
or problem.
Your Matlab code, including the testing program.
A list of references, including html links if available.
How to submit:
Submit your project by e-mail.
The slides, open questions, and references should be in plain
text, html, pdf, or ps format.
documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) will not be accepted; submit
a pdf or ps file for these.
The Matlab programs should be
in plain text, stored in files that can actually be run by Matlab.
Data files should be in .mat format.
The entire set of files should be bundled into a single
file (in tar, zip, or gzip format) and attached to the e-mail.
I'll acknowledge your submission by e-mail after I have successfully
extracted the files.
Some questions that will be asked while evaluating a project:
Does the project demonstrate understanding of the material,
influenced by material in this course?
Are the ideas presented clearly?
(For an "A")
Does the project show evidence of independent thought?
The slide presentation:
Is it clear and correct?
Was it spell-checked?
Would other students in the class be able to understand it?
Is jargon explained, if it was not discussed in class?
Are the slides easy to read? Do they contain an appropriate
amount of material?
Is all notation defined clearly?
Is all type at least 28pt?
More precisely, is all type at least as big as Powerpoint's 28pt type?
Is there a good evaluation of the material in the
paper or the performance of the methods?
The open questions:
Are the questions reasonable and interesting?
Do the questions show evidence of independent thought?
The references:
Are the references complete and appropriate?
Are the html links included (if available)?
The Matlab code:
Is it well designed and well documented?
Is it easy for me to run and to understand what it does?
Are the experiments well designed?
The only failing grades I have given on term projects have been for
lateness or for plagiarism. If you use someone's ideas, cite the source.
If you use a direct quote, use quotation marks and cite the
source. And don't expect a good grade on a project that is
mostly someone else's work.
How to get started:
Each person is required to have a unique project, so
tell me your idea, and I will add it to the list
of claimed topics on this page.
If you can't think of a topic,
check the
Survival Guide for Optimization
for journals and other sources of information, especially
Optimization Online, which is an excellent source of papers.
If you don't have any ideas after that, or if you would like
a minor exception from the guidelines, let's talk.
A note on software:
There are several Matlab packages available on the web for
various types of constrained optimization problems.
If Mathworks does not supply software for your problem,
I advise you to find a package from the web
and modify it (if necessary) for your purposes
rather than writing one from scratch.
Projects chosen by students this semester:
Your project must be unique,
so either pick a different topic or
check with me to make sure that your ideas are
sufficiently different from what other students chose.
Bert W. Rust and Dianne P. O'Leary, ``Residual Periodograms for Choosing Regularization Parameters for Ill-Posed Problems”
Inverse Problems,
24 (2008) 034005 (30 pages).
W. E. Leithead and Y. Zhang, O(n2)-operation approximation of covariance matrix inverse in gaussian process regression based on quasi-newton
bfgs method, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation,
vol. 36, pp. 367-380(14), March 2007.
Jiming Peng, Yu Wei, "Approximating K-means-type Clustering via
Semidefinite Programming". SIAM J. on Optimization, Vol. 18, No. 1.
(February 2007), pp. 186-205.
Hossein Mansouri,
Cornelis Roos.
A New Full-Newton step $O(n)$ Infeasible Interior-Point Algorithm for
Semidefinite Optimization.
Paul Tseng,
cone programming relaxation of sensor network localization"
SIAM J. Opt. Vol. 18, No.1 (Feb. 2007).
A. Globerson and T. Jaakkola, "Fixing Max-Product: Convergent Message
Passing Algorithms for MAP LP-Relaxations," in Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems, ed. J. C. Platt et al., vol. 20 (MIT Press,
2008), 553--560.
with applications to fuzzy logic:
M.K. Luhandjula, "Fuzzy stochastic linear programming: Survey and future
research directions," European Journal of Operational Research 174, no. 3
(November 1, 2006): 1353-1367, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2005.07.019.
Seung-Jean Kim, Koh, K., Lustig, M., Boyd, S., Gorinevsky, D.,
An Interior-Point Method for Large-Scale l1-Regularized Least Squares,
IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,
Dec. 2007
Volume: 1, Issue: 4
Chuanhai Liu and Scott A. Vander Wiel,
Quasi-Newton: A new look at least change, SIAM Journal on
Optimization, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 1266-1285, 2007.
L. Vandenberghe, S. Boyd, and K. Comanor,
Generalized Chebyshev Bounds via Semidefinite Programming,
SIAM Review, 49(1):52-64, March 2007.
Z. Wang, S. Zheng, S. Boyd, Y. Ye,
"Further Relaxations of the SDP Approach to Sensor Network Localization",
2007 preprint.
Havary-Nassab, V., Shahbazpanahi, S., Grami, A., Zhi-Quan Luo,
Distributed Beamforming for Relay Networks Based on Second-Order Statistics of the Channel State Information,
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Sept. 2008
Volume: 56, Issue: 9
Mario A. T. Figueiredo, Robert D. Nowak, and Stephen J. Wright,
"Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction: Application to Compressed
Sensing and Other Inverse Problems" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in
Signal Processing, vol. 1, issue 4, pp. 586-597, Dec. 2007
H. Mansouri, M. Zangiabadi, Y. Bai, C. Roos, "An Infeasible Interior-Point
Algorithm with full-Newton Step for Linear Optimization" , 2008
Y. Wang and S. Boyd,
Performance Bounds for Linear Stochastic Control,
to appear in Systems and Control Letters, 2008
Steven C.H. Hoi and Rong Jin,
Active Kernel Learning, ICML 2008
Rakitianskaia, A., Engelbrecht, A.P.,
Cooperative charged particle swarm optimiser,
Evolutionary Computation, 2008. CEC 2008. (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence).
Samuel S Gross, Chuong B Do, Marina Sirota, Phylogeny-free approach to multiple informant de novo gene prediction
Quek, T.Q.S.; Win, M.Z.; Hyundong Shin; Chiani, M.
Optimal Power Allocation for Amplify-And-Forward Relay Networks via Conic
Communications, 2007. ICC apos;07. IEEE International Conference on
Volume , Issue , 24-28 June 2007 Page(s):5058 - 5063
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ICC.2007.835
Miguel F. Anjos,
Anthony Vannelli.
"Computing Globally Optimal Solutions for Single-Row Layout Problems
Using Semidefinite Programming and Cutting Planes"
Implementing a dense quasi-Newton solver
Carlos Jabbour, Javier F. Pena, Juan C. Vera, Luis F. Zuluaga
"An estimation-free, robust conditional value-at-risk portfolio
allocation model"
"Smooth Optimization with
Approximate Gradient" by Alexandre d'Aspremont
Stationarity results for generating set search for linearly constrained
Tamara Kolda, Robert Michael Lewis, Virginia Torczon.
Siam J. Optimization Vol 17 No 4 943-968.