AMSC 600 / CMSC 760
Advanced Linear Numerical Analysis
Fall 2007
TuTh 9:30am-10:45am (CSI 1121)
New! December 6: Class will begin at 10am,
when the University officially opens. Meanwhile, I'm available
to answer questions in my office. I will also hold office hours
from 2:45 to 3:45 this afternoon.
Prof. Dianne P. O'Leary
Room 3271 A.V. Williams Building, x52678
Prerequisite: AMSC/CMSC 666 or AMSC/CMSC 660 or permission of
Undergraduate-level knowledge of linear numerical analysis:
solution of linear equations and eigenvalue problems.
Matlab programming.
The course will focus on solving applications problems
efficiently by exploiting matrix structure.
Grading: based on homework, project, and an optional in-class presentation.
Primary textbook:
Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 2nd edition, by Yousef Saad.
$95 retail, but $66.50 for SIAM members (
and SIAM membership is free to students.
Basic Information:
Term project information:
Deadline for bibliography is now November 6, not October 30.