10-11-09: On p. 123, in the 4th line of the answer to Challenge 20.14: In the (3,1) position of the matrix P_1, change "A" to "C".
10-13-09: On p. 123, in the answer to Challenge 20.14: Every "n" should be "m", with or without a subscript.
11-01-09: On p. 124, in the answer to Challenge 20.15: In the 2nd bullet, change "pi^2/2" to "pi^2".
11-02-09: On p. 124, in the answer to Challenge 20.16: The comments are garbled. Remove "\tt" and "\STATE".
11-09-09: On p. 26, in the operations count for the Givens method, the last term should be "-2 n^3 / 3" instead of "-2 n^2 / 3".
11-16-09: On p. 24, in the last two lines of the last equation, change "-" (minus) to "+" (plus) twice. On p. 25, in the last two lines of the first equation, change "-" (minus) to "+" (plus) three times.
11-04-10: On p. 124, in the answer to Challenge 20.15: In the 2nd bullet, change "pi^4/4" to "9 pi^4".
11-14-10: On p. 148, in the answer to Challenge 24.3:
The answer assumes that "Z" and "V" have already been formed.
The cost of forming V is n multiplications and 1 division.
Since Z = y - B s, we see that u = B^{-1} Z = B^{-1} y - s, so u can be formed
in p multiplications, and Z is never needed.