Publications -- Marvin V. Zelkowitz
(Items indicated with
are available online or contain
additional information.)
Books and Book Chapters
Zelkowitz M. V. PL/I Programming with PLUM,
Paladin House Publishers, Geneva, Ill. (June, 1976) 140 pp.
Zelkowitz M. V. Interrelationships between optimization
and structured programming, in Program Optimization,
Infotech State of the Art Reports 30 (1976) 369-381.
Zelkowitz M. V., Shaw A. C. and Gannon J. D.,
Principles of Software Engineering and Design,
Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1979).
Zelkowitz M. V. Advances in software engineering: Resource estimation, in
Advances in Computer Program Management,
Heyden and Son (1980) 206-225.
Zelkowitz M. V. (ed.) Selected Reprints in Software,
IEEE Computer Society Press (1980) pp 282.
Second edition -- (1982) pp 337; Third edition -- (1987) pp 400.
Zelkowitz M. V., Software Engineering, Auerbach Publishers (1983).
Kowalchack B. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Drs. A language-oriented diagnostic
run-time system, in Role of Language in Problem Solving 2,
Elsevier Science Publishers (1987) 377-389.
Zelkowitz, M.V., B. Kowalchack, D. Itkin, L. Herman, A SUPPORT tool for
Teaching Computer Programming, in
Issues in Software Engineering Education, R. Fairley and P. Freeman (ed.)
Springer Verlag (1989) 139-167.
Zelkowitz M. V. (ed.) Requirements for a software engineering
environment, Ablex Publishing Co. (1989) 175 pp.
Zelkowitz M. V., The role of verification in the software specification
process, Advances in Computers 36, Academic Press (1993) 43-109.
Gannon J. D., J. M. Purtilo and M. V. Zelkowitz,
Software specifications: A comparison of formal methods.
Ablex Publishing Co., Norwood, NJ (1994) 249 pp.
Yovits M. and M. Zelkowitz (Ed.) Advances in Computers 40, Academic
Press, San Diego, CA, (1995).
Zelkowitz M. V. (Ed.) Advances in Computers 41-56 (1995-2002),
Academic Press; 57-62, 64-67, 69-74 (2003-8) Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Pratt T. and M. Zelkowitz, Programming Languages: Design and Implementation
(Fourth Edition), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, (2001).
Zelkowitz M. V., Instructor's Guide to Programming Languages: Design and
Implementation (Third Edition), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, (1996).
Zelkowitz, M. V., Programming Languages, McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science
and Technology, 9th Edition, (2002).
Zelkowitz, M. V., D. R. Wallace, D. Binkley, Evaluation of new software
engineering technologies In Software Engineering Empirical Validation
(N. Juristo and A. Moreno, Ed.), World Scientific Publishing, (2003) 229-263.
Boehm B., H. D. Rombach, and M. V. Zelkowitz (Eds), Foundations of
Empirical Software Engineering: The Legacy of Victor R. Basili,
Springer, (2005).
Zelkowitz, M. V., Techniques for empirical validation, Empirical Software
Engineering Issues: Critical Assessment and Future Directions, LNCS-4336,
Springer, (2007), 4-9.
Zelkowitz, M. V., Data sharing enabling technologies, Empirical Software
Engineering Issues: Critical Assessment and Future Directions, LNCS-4336,
Springer, (2007), 108-110.
L. Hochstein, T. Nakamura, F. Shull, N. Zazworka, V. R. Basili, M. V. Zelkowitz,
An Environment for Conducting Families of Software Engineering Experiments,
Advances in Computers 74, (2008), 175-200
Zelkowitz, M. V., Education of Software Engineers,
Perspectives on the future of software engineering,
J Munch and K. Schmid (Ed.), Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, (2013) 349-358.
Zelkowitz, M.V., Data sharing enabling technologies, Working Group Results,
Engineering Issues: Critical Assessment and Future Directions, LNCS-4336,
Springer, (2007), 108-110.
Zelkowitz M. V. Interrupt Driven Programming,
Comm. of the ACM 14(6), (1971) 417-418
Zelkowitz M. V. PIT: A macro implemented implementation language,
Software Practice and Experience 2(4), (1972) 337-346.
Zelkowitz M. V., Agrawala A. K. KWIC index for computer networks,
Networks 3(2), (1973) 135-171.
Zelkowitz M. V. Reversible Execution, Comm. of the ACM 16(9), (1973) 566
Zelkowitz M. V. and W. G. Bail Optimization of Structured Programs,
Software Practice and Experience 4(1), (1974) 51-57.
Zelkowitz M. V. Structured Operating System Organization,
Information Processing Letters 2(2), (1974) 29-32.
Harada K., Zelkowitz M. V. Design and implementation of an interactive
PL/I system, J. of Information Processing (Japan) 16(2), (1975) 85-92.
Zelkowitz M. V., Effects of structured programming on PL/1 programmers,
Software Practice and Experience 7(6), (1977) 793-795.
Zelkowitz M. V. and H. J. Larsen, Implementation of a
capability based data abstraction, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering
4(1), (1978) 56-64.
Zelkowitz, M. V., Perspectives on software engineering,
ACM Computing Surveys 10(2), (1978) 197-216
Basili V. R. and Zelkowitz M. V., Measuring software
development characteristics in the local environment, Computers and
Structures 10 (1979) 39-43
Zelkowitz M. V. A case study in rapid prototyping,
Software Practice and Experience 10(12), (1980) 1037-1042.
Zelkowitz M. V. and J. Lyle, Implementation of language enhancements,
J. of Computer Languages 6(5), (1981) 139-153
Zelkowitz M. V., Data collection and evaluation for experimental computer
science research, Information Processing and Management
20(1), (1984) 269-276
Zelkowitz M. V., Yeh R. T., Hamlet R. G., Gannon J. D., Basili V. R.,
Software engineering practices in the United States and Japan,
IEEE Computer 17(6), (1984) 57-66
Gannon J. D. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Two implementation models of
abstract data types, J. of Computer Languages 12(1), (1987) 21-25
Zelkowitz M. V., Resource utilization and software development,
J. of Systems and Software 8, (1988) 331-336
Bail W. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Program complexity using hierarchical abstract
computers J. of Computer Languages 13(3), (1988) 109-123
Zelkowitz M. V., L. Herman, D. Itkin, B. Kowalchack,
A tool for understanding program execution,
J. of Pascal, Ada and Modula-2 8(3), (1989) 10-20.
Zelkowitz M., L. Herman, D. Itkin,, and B. Kowalchack,
Experiences building a syntax-directed editor Software Engineering J.
4(6), (November, 1989) 294-300.
Zelkowitz M. V. Evolution towards a specifications environment:
Experiences with syntax editors, Information and Software Technology
32(3), (April, 1990) 191-198
Zelkowitz M. V., A functional correctness model of program verification,
IEEE Computer 23(11), (November, 1990) 30-39.
Zelkowitz M. V. and S. Cardenas-Garcia,
The role for executable specifications in system maintenance,
Information Sciences Journal 57 (1991) 347-359
Cardenas-Garcia S., and M. V. Zelkowitz,
A management tool for evaluation of software designs
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 17(9), (1991) 961-971
Tian J., and M. V. Zelkowitz, A formal model of program complexity
and its application, J. of Systems and Software 17(3), (1992) 253-266.
Cardenas-Garcia S., J. Tian and M. V. Zelkowitz,
An application of decision theory for the evaluation of software
prototypes, J. of Systems and Software, 19(1), (1992) 27-39
Brown A. W., D. J. Carney, P. H. Feiler, P. Oberndorf, and M. V. Zelkowitz,
Issues in the Definition of a Project Support
Environment Reference Model, Computer Standards and Interfaces 15
(1993) 431-443
Zelkowitz M. V. and J. Tian, Measuring prime program complexity,
Information Sciences 77, (1994) 325-350
Tian J. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Complexity measure evaluation and selection,
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 21(8), (1995) 641-650
Basili V., M. Zelkowitz, F. McGarry, J. Page, S. Waligora, and R. Pajerski,
SEL's software process-improvement program, IEEE Software 12(6), (1995)
83-87 (pdf).
Abrams M. D. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Striving for correctness,
Computer and Security 14 (1995) 719--738.
Zelkowitz M., Modeling software engineering environment capabilities,
J. of Systems and Software 35(1), (1996) 3-14
Zelkowitz M. V., Software Engineering technology infusion within NASA,
IEEE Trans. on Eng. Mgmt. 43(3), (August, 1996) 250-261
Basili V., S. Green, O. Laitenberger, F. Lanubile, F. Shull, S. Sorumgaard, and
M. Zelkowitz, The empirical investigation of perspective-based reading
J. of Empirical Software Engineering 1(2), (1996) 133-164.
Zelkowitz M. V. and B. Cuthill, Application of an information technology
model to software engineering environments, Journal of Sys and Software
37(1), (1997) 27-40.
Morasca S., L. C. Briand, V. R. Basili, E. J. Weyuker, and M. V. Zelkowitz,
Comments on "Toward a framework for software measurement validation"
(Correspondence), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 23(3),
(March, 1997) 187-188.
Zelkowitz M. V. and D. Wallace, Experimental validation in software technology,
Information and Software Technology, 39(11), (November, 1997) 735-744.
Zelkowitz M. V. and D. Wallace, Experimental models for validating computer
technology, IEEE Computer 31(5), (May, 1998) 23-31
Zelkowitz M. V. and D. R. Wallace, Validating the benefit of new software
technology, Software Quality Practitioner 1(1), (1998)
Tesoriero R. and M. Zelkowitz, WebME: A web-based tool for data analysis and
presentation IEEE Internet Computing, 2(5), (September, 1998) 63--69
Zelkowitz, M. V. and I. Rus, Defect evolution in a product line environment,
Journal of Systems and Software 70(1), (2004) 143-154.
Jiwnani K. and M. Zelkowitz, Susceptibility matrix: Aid to software audits,
IEEE Security and Privacy 2(2), (March 2004)16-21.
Lindvall M., I. Rus, F. Shull, M. V. Zelkowitz, P. Donzelli,
A. Memon, V. R. Basili, P. Costa, R. T. Tvedt, L. Hochstein, S. Asgari, C.
Ackermann, and D. Pech, An Evolutionary Testbed for Software Technology
Evaluation, NASA Journal of Innovations in Systems and Software
Engineering 1(1) (2005) 3-11
Donzelli P., M. Zelkowitz, V. Basili, D. Allard, K. N. Meyer, Evaluating COTS
Components Dependability: The case of Real-Time Java Virtual Machines for
Spacecraft Software, IEEE Software, July 2005, 46-53.
Dangle K. C., P. Larsen, M. Shaw, and M. V. Zelkowitz,Software process
improvement in small organizations:
A case study, IEEE Software, November, 2005, 68-75.
Shull F., C. Seaman, and M. Zelkowitz, Quality Time: Victor R. Basili's
Contributions to Software Quality, IEEE Software, January 2006, 16-18.
Lindvall M., I. Rus, P. Donzelli, A. Memon, M. Zelkowitz, C. Ackermann, B. Anders,
S. Asgari, V. Basili, P. Costa, J. Fellmann, D. Hirschbach, L. Hochstein, F. Shull,
R. Tvedt, D. Pech, An environment to aid in the replication of software
engineering experiments,
Empirical Software Engineering, 12(4), 2007, 417-444.
Basili V. R., M. V. Zelkowitz, D. I. K. Sjøberg, P. Johnson, and A. J. Cowling,
Protocols in the use of Empirical Software Engineering Artifacts,
Empirical Software Engineering, 12(1), 2007, 107-119
Carver J. C., L. Hochstein, R. P. Kendall, T. Nakamura, M. V. Zelkowitz, V. R. Basili
and D. E. Post,
Observations about Software Development for High End Computing,
CTWatch 2(4A), (November 2006) 33-38
Hochstein L., T. Nakamura, V. R. Basili, S. Asgari, M. V. Zelkowitz,
J. K. Hollingsworth, F. Shull, J. Carver, M. Voelp, N. Zazworka, Philip Johnson,
Experiments to Understand HPC Time to Development,
CTWatch 2(4A), (November 2006) 24-32
Basili V. R.and M. V. Zelkowitz, Empirical Studies to Build a Science of
Computer Science,
Comm. of the ACM , 50(11), 2007, 33-37.
Basili V. R., D. Cruzes, J. C. Carver, L. M. Hochstein, J. K. Hollingsworth,
M. V. Zelkowitz and F. Shull,
Understanding the High-Performance Computing Community: A Software Engineer's
Perspective, IEEE Software, July 2008, 29-37.
Zelkowitz M. V., An update to experimental models for validating computer
technology, Journal of Systems and Software 82, 2009, 373-376
Zelkowitz M. V., Viewpoint - What have we learned about
software engineering?,
Comm. of the ACM (55)2, 2012, 38-39.
Major Conference Papers
Lay W. M., Mills D. L., Zelkowitz M. V., Design of a distributed
computer network for resource sharing. AIAA Computer Network Systems
Conf., Huntsville, Alabama (April, 1973) 73.426.1 - 73.426.7.
Zelkowitz M. V., PLUM: An interactive PL/1 system, USE Technical papers
Spring 1974 Meeting, New Orleans, March, 1974 (invited paper)
Hamlet R. G., Zelkowitz M. V., SIMPL systems programming on a
minicomputer, IEEE Compcon, Washington, D. C. (September, 1974) 203-206.
Basili V. R., Noonan R., Zelkowitz M. V., A Computer Science Curriculum in
Programming Languages, IFIP Second World Conf. in Computers in
Education, Marseilles, France (September, 1975) 1003-1012.
Zelkowitz M. V., Third Generation Compiler Design, ACM 28 National
Conf., Minneapolis, Minn. (October, 1975) 253-258
Zelkowitz M. V., Automatic program analysis and evaluation,
Second International Conf. on Software Engineering,
San Francisco, CA (October, 1976) 158-163
Zelkowitz M. V., McMullin P., Merkel K., Larsen H.,
Error checking with pointer variables, ACM 29 National
Conf., Houston, TX (October, 1976) 391-395
Basili V. R. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Analyzing medium scale
software development, Third International Conf. on
Software Engineering, Atlanta, Ga. (May, 1978) 116-123
Bail W. G. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Program Complexity
using hierarchical abstract computers, National Computer Conf.
47, Anaheim, CA (June, 1978) 605-608.
Zelkowitz M. V., Resource estimation for medium scale software
projects, 12th Symp. on the Interface of Statistics and Computer Science,
Waterloo, Canada (May, 1979) 267-272 (invited paper).
Zelkowitz M. V. and J. Lyle, Implementation of program specifications,
IEEE Computer Society COMPSAC, Chicago, Ill., (October, 1980) 194-200.
Chen E. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Use of cluster analysis in evaluating
software engineering methodologies, ACM/IEEE 5th International
Conf. on Software Engineering, San Diego CA (March, 1981) 117-123.
Zelkowitz M. V., What has happened to data abstractions? - Experience with
one implementation, Sixth International Conf. on Software Engineering
(Poster session), Tokyo, Japan (September, 1982) 9-10.
Zelkowitz M. V., Data collection and evaluation for experimental computer
science research, Symp. on Empirical Foundations of Information and
System Science, Atlanta, GA (1982) 269-276.
Zelkowitz M. V., A small contribution to editing with a syntax directed
editor, ACM SIGSOFT SIGPLAN Symp. on Practical Software Development
Environments, Pittsburgh, PA (April, 1984) (in
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 9, 3 (1984) 1-6).
Lyon G., M. V. Zelkowitz, et al., Dialogue mechanisms in a tabletop
programming environment,
IEEE COMPCON, Arlington VA (September, 1984) 33-39.
Zelkowitz M. V. et al., Engineering an environment for small machines,
IEEE International Conf. on Computer Workstations,
San Jose, CA (November, 1985) 61-69.
Zelkowitz M. V., An editor for program designs
IEEE Compcon, San Francisco, CA (February, 1987) 242-246.
Antoy S., P. Forcheri, B. Kowalchack, M. Molfino, S. Pearlman,
M. Zelkowitz, Using abstractions in a Pascal environment,
AICA Conf., Trento, Italy (September, 1987) 155-162.
Cardenas-Garcia S. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Evaluation criteria for
functional specifications,
ACM/IEEE 12th Int. Conf. on Soft. Eng., Nice Fr (March, 1990), 26-33
Antoy S., P. Forcheri, M. T. Molfino, and M. Zelkowitz,
Rapid prototyping of system enhancements, First
IEEE Int. Conf. on System Integration, Morristown, NJ (April, 1990), 330-336.
Straub P. and M. V. Zelkowitz, PUC: A functional specification language for Ada,
10th Int. Software Engineering Conference, Santiago, Chile (July, 1990) 111-122.
Straub P. and M. V. Zelkowitz,
On the nature of bias and defects in the software specification process,
IEEE COMPSAC 92, Chicago, IL (September, 1992) 17-24.
Tian J., A. Porter and M. V. Zelkowitz,
An improved classification tree analysis of high cost modules based upon
an axiomatic definition of complexity,
IEEE 3rd International Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering,
Research Triangle Park, NC (October, 1992) 164-172.
Zelkowitz M. V., Use of an environment classification model,
ACM/IEEE 15th International Conf. on Soft. Eng., Baltimore, MD (May, 1993),
Brown A. W., D.J. Carney, P.A. Oberndorf, and M.V. Zelkowitz, A Project
Support Environment Reference Model, Tri-Ada Conference, Seattle, WA,
September, 1993.
Li N. R. and M. V. Zelkowitz, An Information Model for Use in
Software Management Estimation and Prediction,
Second International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
Washington, DC, November, 1993, 481-489.
Abrams M. D. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Belief in correctness,
National Computer Security Conference, Baltimore, October, 1994, 132-141
Cuthill B. and M. Zelkowitz, The Integrated Technology and Measurement
Model, Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, April, 1995.
Tesoriero R. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Measurement of process complexity,
European Software Control and Metrics Conference, Wilmslow, UK, May, 1996,
Zelkowitz M. V., The twelve step method for experimental computer
science, 16th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science
Society, Valdivia, Chile, November, 1996 (Invited talk).
Zelkowitz M. V. and D. Wallace, Experimental validation in software engineering,
International Conference on Empirical Assessment and Evaluation in SE,
March, 1997, Keele University, UK.
Tesoriero R. and M. V. Zelkowitz,
A Model of Noisy Software Engineering Data (Status Report),
International Conf. on Soft. Eng., Kyoto Japan, April 1998, 461-464
Zelkowitz M. V. and I. Rus, Understanding IV&V in a Safety Critical and
Complex Evolutionary Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program, IEEE
Computer Society and ACM International Conf. on Soft. Eng.,
Toronto, CA, May, 2001, 349-357
Zelkowitz M. V. and I. Rus, The Role of Independent Verification and
Validation in Maintaining a Safety Critical Evolutionary Software in
a Complex Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program, International
Conference on Software Maintenance, Florence Italy, November, 2001
Basili V., R. Tesoriero, P. Costa, M. Lindvall, I. Rus, F. Shull, and
M. Zelkowitz, Building an Experience Base for Software Engineering: A report
on the first CeBASE eWorkshop, 3rd International Conference on Product Focused
Software Process Improvement (Profes), Kaiserslautern, Germany,
September, 2001
Basili V., F. McGarry, R. Pajerski, M. Zelkowitz, Lessons learned from 25
years of process improvement: The rise and fall of the NASA Software
Engineering Laboratory, IEEE Computer Society and ACM International Conf.
on Soft. Eng., Orlando FL, May 2002
Shull F., V. Basili, Barry Boehm, A. W. Brown, P. Costa, M. Lindvall,
D. Port, I. Rus, R. Tesoriero, and M. Zelkowitz, What we have learned about
fighting defects, IEEE Computer Society International Symposium on Software
Metrics, Ottawa Canada, June, 2002, 249--258
Jiwnani K. and M. Zelkowitz, Software testing from a security perspective,
International Conference on Software Maintenance, Montreal, Canada,
October 2002, 194--203
Jiwnani K. and M. Zelkowitz, Security testing using a susceptibility matrix,
International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (Fast Abstracts),
Annapolis, MD, November, 2002.
Huynh D., M. V. Zelkowitz, V. R. Basili, I. Rus, Modeling dependability for a
diverse set of stakeholders (Fast Abstracts), Distributed Systems and
Networks, San Francisco, CA, June, 2003, B6-B7.
Zelkowitz M., V. Basili, S. Asgari, L. Hochstein, J. Hollingsworth, and T.
Nakamura, Productivity measures for high performance computers, International
Symposium on Software Metrics, Como, Italy, September, 2005, 10pp.
Hochstein L., V. Basili, M. Zelkowitz, J. Hollingsworth and J. Carver,
Combining self-reported and automatic data to improve effort measurement,
Joint 10th European Software Engineering Conference and 13th ACM SIGSOFT
Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2005),
Portugal, September 2005.
Hochstein L., J. Carver, F. Shull, S. Asgari, V. Basili, J. K. Hollingsworth,
M. Zelkowitz, HPC Programmer Productivity: A Case Study of Novice HPC
Programmers, Supercomputing 2005, Seattle, WA, November 2005.
Basili V. R., Zelkowitz M. V., Layman L., and Dangle K., Obtaining valid safety
data for software safety measurement and process improvement,
Empirical Software
Engineering and Measurement, Bolzano Italy, September 2010, 4pp.
Layman L., Basili V. R., Zelkowitz M. V., and Fisher K. L.,
A case study of measuring process risk for early insights into software safety,
ACM and IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Engineering, May 2011, Honolulu HI, 10pp.
Layman L., Zelkowitz M., Basili V. and Nikora A., Toward baselining
software anomalies in NASA missions, International Symposium on
Software Reliability Engineering 23 (Fast Abstracts), November 27 2012,
Dallas TX (IEEE 23rd Int. Symp. on Soft. Rel. Eng. Workshops) (2012)
Other Conferences and Workshops
Noonan R., Basili V., Hamlet R., Lay M., Mills D., Turner J., Zelkowitz M.,
A SIMPL distributed operating system and its formal definition,
Proc. of an ACM SIGPLAN - SIGOPS Interface meeting, Savannah, GA
(April, 1973) (in SIGPLAN NOTICES 8,9 (1973) 127-128)
Lay W. M., Mills D. L., Zelkowitz M. V., Operating systems architecture
for a distributed computer network, Trends and Applications 1974: Computer
Networks, IEEE Computer Society Washington Chapter and National Bureau
of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD (May, 1974) 39-44.
Zelkowitz M. V., Simulation and Implementation of a Computer Network,
Thirteenth Annual Technical Symp., ACM Washington Chapter,
Gaithersburg, MD (June, 1974) (Best Paper award - 5 awards out of 24 papers
presented) B.3.1-B.3.7.
Zelkowitz M. V., A Proposal on process hierarchy and network
ACM Interprocess communications Workshop, Santa Monica, CA (March, 1975)
Zelkowitz M. V., A compiler designed to aid in reliable
program development, USE Proceedings, Orlando, FL (October, 1976).
Basili V. R. and M. V. Zelkowitz, The Software Engineering
Laboratory: Objectives, ACM SIGCPR Symposium, Washington D. C.
(August, 1977)
Zelkowitz M. V., PLACES: Programing language and construct
evaluation system, Seventeenth Annual Technical Symp., ACM
Washington, D. C. chapter, Gaithersburg, MD (June, 1978) 79-85.
Lyle J. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Some practical experience with a
data abstraction,
IEEE Computer Society Trends and Applications: 1981, Gaithersburg, MD
(May, 1981) 2-6.
Zelkowitz M. V., Developing a programming environment,
NBS ACM 20th Annual Technical Symposium, Gaithersburg, MD (June, 1981) 23-28.
Zelkowitz M. V., M. Branstad, P. Henderson, G. Lyon, An editor for rapid
prototypes, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Symp.: Rapid prototypes,
Columbia MD (April, 1982) 46.1-46.3.
Zelkowitz M.V. et al., The Still Unnamed Production Programming
Oriented Research Tool (SUPPORT) Environment, IBM AEP Conference,
Alexandria, VA (June, 1985) 97-112.
Zelkowitz M. V. et al., The SUPPORT Pascal Programming Environment,
8th Minnowbrook Workshop, Blue Mt. Lake, NY (July, 1985).
Zelkowitz M. V. and B. Kowalchack, A Knowledge base design facility
for a syntax-sensitive editor, 9th Minnowbrook Workshop, Blue Mt. Lake, NY
(August, 1986).
Zelkowitz M. V., Automating the design process with syntactic-based tools,
11th NASA/GSFC Software Engineering Workshop, Greenbelt MD (December, 1986).
Zelkowitz, M. V., The effectiveness of software prototyping: a case study,
ACM Washington Chapter 26th Technical Symp., Gaithersburg, MD (June, 1987) 7-15.
Zelkowitz M. V., et al., Algebraic specifications as a basis for reuse,
10th Minnowbrook Workshop on Software, Blue Mt. Lake, NY (July, 1987).
Zelkowitz M. V., A functional correctness approach towards program
development, 1st International Workshop on Software Quality
Improvement, Tokyo, Japan (February, 1989) 100-101.
Zelkowitz M. V., Ada environments, Software Breakthrough Initiative
Conference, Atlanta, GA (March, 1989).
Zelkowitz M. V., Impediments to a software engineering curriculum,
W2.3 Workshop on Informatics curricula for the 1990s, Providence, RI
(April, 1990).
Zelkowitz M. and P. Straub, Research in bias in specifications,
13th Minnowbrook Workshop on Software, Blue Mt. Lake, NY (July, 1990).
Zelkowitz M. V., S. Cardenas-Garcia and P. Straub, Evaluation of software design
quality, 3rd International Workshop on Software Quality Improvement,
Tokyo, Japan (January, 1991).
Zelkowitz M. V., An axiomatic model for program complexity,
International Workshop on Experimental Software Engineering Issues, Dagstuhl
Castle, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 706,
Springer-Verlag, (September 1992) 133-136.
Zelkowitz M. V., Point/Counterpoint: Are software engineering process standards
really necessary?, Computer 25, 11, (November, 1992) 82-84.
Zelkowitz M. V., Milestones: Measuring Software Productivity,
J. of Irreproducible Results 38, 1, (January, 1993) 19-20.
Tian J. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Analyzing multidimensional complexity measures,
IBM Software Engineering ITL Conf., Toronto, CA (June, 1993) 539-548.
Zelkowitz M. V., Software engineering technology transfer: Understanding
the process, 18th NASA Software Engineering Workshop, Greenbelt, MD
(December, 1993) pp 450-458.
Wallace D. R. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Center for High Integrity Software
System Assurance,
2nd IFAC Workshop on Safety and Reliability, Daytona Beach, FL,
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Technical Report CSR-01/96,
(November, 1995) 463-478.
Tesoriero R. and M. Zelkowitz, Process enactment within an environment,
NASA/GSFC Software Engineering Workshop, Greenbelt, MD, (November, 1995)
215-232 (pdf)
Basili V., S. Green, O. Laitenberger, F. Shull, S. Sorumgaard, M. Zelkowitz,
The empirical investigation of perspective-based reading, NASA/GSFC
Software Engineering Workshop, Greenbelt, MD, (November, 1995) 21-61.
Zelkowitz M. V. and D. Wallace, Models of software experimentation,
ISERN Annual Meeting, Sydney, Australia (August, 1996).
Basili V. R., S. Green, O. Laitenberger, F. Lanubile, F. Shull,
S. Soeumgaard and M. V. Zelkowitz,
Packaging researcher experience to assist replication of experiments
ISERN Annual Meeting, Sydney, Australia (August, 1996).
Zelkowitz M. V. and D. R. Wallace, Collecting industrial experimental data,
2nd Int. Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance (WESS),
ISBN 3-00-002030-6, Bari, Italy, (October, 1997) 199-202.
Tesoriero R. and M. Zelkowitz, The Web Measurement Environment (WebME): A
Tool for Combining and Modeling Distributed Data: 22nd
NASA/GSFC Software Engineering Workshop, Greenbelt, MD, (December, 1997).
Tesoriero R. and M. Zelkowitz, Using the internet to combine and analyze
distributed software engineering data, Software Engineering Over the
Internet Workshop, Kyoto, Japan (April, 1998).
Zelkowitz, M. V., D. R. Wallace, D. Binkley, The culture clash in software
engineering technology transfer,
23rd NASA/GSFC Software Engineering Workshop, Greenbelt, MD, (December, 1998).
Tesoriero R. and M. V. Zelkowitz, WebME: A Web-based tool for data analysis
and presentation, 11th Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT,
(May, 1999).
Eickelmann N., I. Rus and M. Zelkowitz, Preliminary case study findings of the
space shuttle software evolution as a product line process, 4th International
Software Architecture Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, (June, 2000).
Basili, V. R., Costa, P., Lindvall, M., de Mendonca Neto, M. G., Seaman,
C., Tesoriero, R., and Zelkowitz, M. V. "An Experience Management System for
a Software Engineering Research Organization", In Proceedings of The 26th
Annual NASA Goddard Software Engineering Workshop, (December 2001).
Rus I., V. Basili, M. Zelkowitz, and B. Boehm, Empirical evaluation techniques
and methods used for achieving and assessing high dependability, Workshop on
dependability benchmarking, Int. Conf. on Dependable Systems, Washington,
DC (June, 2002) (pdf).
Lindvall M., V. Basili, B. Boehm, P. Costa, K. Dangle, F. Shull, R. Tesoriero,
L. Williams, and M. Zelkowitz, Empirical findings in agile methods,
XP/Agile Universe, Chicago, IL, (August, 2002)
Jiwnani K. and M. Zelkowitz, Security testing using a susceptibility matrix,
International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (Fast Abstracts),
Annapolis, MD, November, 2002
Huynh D., M. V. Zelkowitz, V. R. Basili and I. Rus,
Modeling dependability for a diverse set of stakeholders, Conference on Distributed
Systems and Networks (Fast abstracts), 2003, San Francisco, CA, 86-87
Asgari S., V. Basili, J. Carver, L. Hochstein, J. K. Hollingsworth, F. Shull,
M. Zelkowitz, Challenges in Measuring HPCS Learner Productivity in an Age of
Ubiquitous Computing, Workshop on High Productivity Computing, ICSE,
Edinburgh, Scotland, (May, 2004).
Carver J., S. Asgari, V. Basili, L. Hochstein, J. K. Hollingsworth,
F. Shull, M. Zelkowitz, Studying Code Development for High Performance
Computing: The HPCS Program, Workshop on High Productivity Computing,
ICSE, Edinburgh, Scotland, (May, 2004).
Asgari S., V. Basili, P. Costa, P. Donzelli, L. Hochstein, M. Lindvall, I. Rus,
F. Shull, R. Tvedt, and M. Zelkowitz, Empirical-based Estimation of the Effect
on Software Dependability of a Technique for Architecture Conformance
Verification, ICSE/DSN 2004 Twin Workshop on Architecting Dependable
Systems (WADS 2004), Edinburgh, Scotland (May, 2004).
Asgari S., L. Hochstein, V. Basili, M. Zelkowitz, J. Hollingsworth,
J. Carver, and F. Shull, Generating Testable Hypotheses from Tacit
Knowledge for High Productivity Computing, 2nd International Workshop on
Software Engineering for High Performance Computing System Applications,
ICSE, St. Louis, MO (May, 2005) 17-21.
Reports and Other Technical Contributions
Zelkowitz M. V., ZAP Programmer's Guide, Office of Computer Services,
Cornell University (1968).
Zelkowitz M. V., Davis M., Linsky M., Relevance feedback in a dynamically
evolving document space, ISR 14, Cornell University (1969).
Conway R. W., Morgan H. L., Wagner R. L., Wilcox T. R., Zelkowitz M.,
PL/C: The Cornell Compiler for PL/1. Department of Computer Science,
Cornell University (August, 1970).
Zelkowitz M. V., Space requirements for computer programs, SIGCSE Bulletin
2 (July, 1972) 10-11.
ARPANET Technical consideration, Networks for Higher Education
Proc. of the EDUCOM Spring Meeting, Washington, D. C. (April, 1972) 63-64.
Zelkowitz M. V., Christensen W., Bourne L., Dalton J., Besore W.,
MDT: A mini debugging technique, DECUS Program 8-523 (March, 1973).
Zelkowitz M. V., Lay W. M., Mills D. L., A distributed control network,
DECUS Spring Symp., Philadelphia, PA (1973).
Zelkowitz M. V., It is not time to define structured programming,
SIGOPS Operating System Review 8, 2, (April, 1974) 7-8.
Zelkowitz M. V., Interactive PL/1, ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES 9, 9 (1974) 29-31.
Zelkowitz M. V., PLUM Reference Guide, Computer Science Center,
University of MD, Computer Note CN-8 (July, 1974).
Zelkowitz M. V., PLUM: The University of Maryland PL/1 System, Technical
Report TR-318, Computer Science, University of MD (July, 1974).
Zelkowitz M. V., Pointer variables in a diagnostic Compiler, Technical
Report TR-343, Computer Science, University of MD (December, 1974).
Basili V. R., Zelkowitz M. V., Compiler generated programming tools,
ACM, IEEE TC/SE and NBS Workshop on Currently Available Testing Tools,
Los Angeles, CA (April, 1975) 45-46.
Zelkowitz M. V., An integrated software development and evaluation
tool, Technical Report TR-395, Computer Science, University of MD (July, 1975).
Zelkowitz M. V., Use of uninitialized variables,
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee
on Software Engineering Newsletter 2, 2 (June, 1976) 10-11.
Zelkowitz M. V., Automatic evaluation of PL/1 programs,
Technical Report TR-524, Computer Science, University of MD (April, 1977).
Basili V. R., Zelkowitz M. V., et al., The Software Engineering
Laboratory, Technical Report TR-535, Computer Science, University
of MD (May, 1977).
Zelkowitz M. V., SIMPL-D Data Base Reference Manual, Computer
Science Technical Report TR-788, University of MD (July, 1979).
Lyle J. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Assertion mechanisms in programming languages,
Technical Report TR-835, Computer Science, University of MD (November, 1979).
Zelkowitz M. V., Requirements for a higher level language programming
environment, NBS Workshop on Programming Environments, Rancho Sante Fe,
San Diego CA (April, 1980) (in ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
6, 4 August, 1981).
Basili V. R., J. Gannon, E. Katz, M. Zelkowitz, J. Bailey, E. Kruesi,
and S. Sheppard, Monitoring an Ada Software Development Project,
Ada Letters 2, 1 (July 1982) 58-61.
Musa J., et. al., Stimulating Software Engineering Progress: A report of
the Software Engineering Planning Group, IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Software Engineering (September, 1982).
Basili V. R., Chang S., Gannon J., Katz E., Panlilio-Yap N., Ramsey C.,
Zelkowitz M.,
Bailey J., Kruesi E., Sheppard S., Monitoring an Ada software development,
Ada Letters 4, 1 (July/August 1984), 32-39.
Bail W. G., M. V. Zelkowitz, Program complexity using hierarchical
abstract computers, Technical Report TR-1593, Computer Science, University of
MD (December, 1985).
Zelkowitz M. V., B. Kowalchack and P. Forcheri, A Knowledge Based
Design Facility, Technical Report TR-1594, Computer Science, University
of MD (December, 1985).
Straub P. and M. V. Zelkowitz, PUC: A functional specification language for Ada,
UMIACS Technical Report 90-17, Computer Science TR 2404,
University of MD (February, 1990).
Tian J. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Notes on data complexity and comprehension,
UMIACS Technical Report 91-165, Computer Science TR 2810,
University of Maryland (December, 1991).
Brown A., D. Carney, P. Oberndorf, and M. Zelkowitz,
Issues in the definition and use of a project support environment
reference model, Technical Review '93, Software Engineering Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University, June, 1993, 25 pp.
Reference Model for Frameworks of Software Engineering Environments.
(Edition 3 of NIST Special Publication 500-211, August, 1993 and ECMA
Technical Report TR/55.) Edited by M. Zelkowitz.
Reference Model for Project Support Environments.
(Edition 2 of NIST Special Publication 500-213, November, 1993 and
CMU Software Engineering Institute Technical Report 93-TR-23.)
Edited by A. Brown, D. Carney, P. Oberndorf, and M. Zelkowitz.
Oberndorf P., A. Brown, D. Carney, M. Zelkowitz (ed.),
Reference model for project support environments Version 2.0,
NIST Special Publication 500-213, November, 1993.
Zelkowitz M. V., Algebra, models (and reality), ACM SIGSOFT Software
Engineering Notes, October, 1994.
Zelkowitz M. V. and B. Cuthill, Information Technology Engineering and
Measurement (ITEM) Model, NIST, NISTIR 5522, December, 1994.
McGarry F., R. Pajerski, G. Page, S. Waligora, V. Basili and M. Zelkowitz,
Software process improvement in the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory,
Software Engineering Institute TR CMU/SEI-94-TR-22, December, 1994.
Zelkowitz M. V., Assessing Software Engineering Technology Transfer
Within NASA, Technical Report NASA-RPT-003-95, NASA/GSFC, January, 1995.
Cuthill B. and M. V. Zelkowitz, Defining environment integration
requirements, NIST, NISTIR 5654, May, 1995.
Wallace D. and M. Zelkowitz, Center for high integrity software system
assurance: Initial goals and activities, NIST, NISTIR 5677, June, 1995.
Zelkowitz M. V. and D. Wallace, Experimental models for software
diagnosis, Natl. Inst. of Stnds. and Tech., NIST 5889, September, 1996.
Tesoriero R. and M. V. Zelkowitz, The WebME data visualization tool,
Software Tech News 3, 1 (1999), DACS technical report.
Rus I. and M. Zelkowitz, Experimental studies on the benefits of independent
verification and validation, Technical Report 99-101, Fraunhofer Center -
Maryland, October, 1999.
Zelkowitz M. V. and I. Rus, Necessary shuttle data to evaluate IV&V
effectiveness, Technical Report 99-102, Fraunhofer Center - Maryland,
October 1999.
Zelkowitz, M. V., The millennium or Y2K bug, Skeptical Eye vol. 11,
no. 3, (1999) 11-15.
Zelkowitz, M. V., The Bible codes, Skeptical Eye vol. 11, no. 4, (1999) 3-5
Zelkowitz, M. V., Maturation of Computer Science Research and Education at
the University of Maryland: Evolution of the Department of Computer Science
from 1979 through 2006 (Updated), University of Maryland technical report
CS-TR-4882, UMIACS-TR-2007-40, September 2007.