CMSC 311: Computer Organization
| Syllabus
| Grades
| Notes
| Homeworks
| Sample Exams
| Newsgroup
CMSC 311: Computer Organization. 3 credits.
Dr. Michelle Hugue.
Office Hours from 1pm to 2pm TuTh and by appointment
in AVW1125. Please email at with questions.
Teaching Assistant
D.W. Kim
Office Hours: MW 2-4
Class Time and Location
M-F, 11:00am to 12:20pm
in Classroom Building 0111.
Course Description
Digital Logic, Design of digital logic circuits. Organization of central
processors, including instruction sets, register transfer operations,
control microprogramming, data representation, and arithmetic algorithms.
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals. Mano and Kime.
Check out the University
Book Center listing.
(CMSC 113 or CMSC 214) with a grade of C or better.
Course Topics
Course Work
Course work will consist of reading, homeworks, quizzes, one midterm exam,
and one final exam. Homeworks will not be collected, but are expected to
be done. Your performance in the class is very strongly linked to the
amount of outside reading and homeworks you do. Quizzes will be given in
class on a regular basis and may be unannounced. They will comprise 15-20%
of your total grade. They exist, among other things, to let me know what
you know and where I need to focus more attention. The midterm and final
will comprise 35-40% and 40-50% of your grades, respectively. The midterm date
is June 19, 1998. The final exam is set for July 9, 1998. Both will be
held in CLB0111 at the regular class time.. These exams will be hard, but fair.
Prepare yourself
All class work is to be done independently. You are encouraged to discuss
class material, homework problems, and general solution strategies with
classmates, but when it comes to formulating/writing solutions you must
work alone. Instances of academic dishonesty will be dealt with harshly.
This page, all problem sets, and exams linked to it are
copyrighted. Use of these pages for the CMSC 311 class at the
University of Maryland is permitted. Any other use requires the permission
of the author (Dr. Michelle Hugue,
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Maintained by MM Hugue.
Last change: September 01, 1997.
| Syllabus
| Grades
| Notes
| Homeworks
| Sample Exams
| Newsgroup