Chapter 5
5.1) Introduction (page 390)
Definition: The principle of locality says that most programs do
not access all code or data uniformly. (First seen on page 47.)
Since fast memory is expensive, a memory hierarchy is organized into several
levels -- each smaller, faster, and more expensive per byte than the level
before it.
The importance of the memory hierarchy has increased with advances in performance
of processors.
There is a processor-memory performance gap that computer architects must
try to close.
The memory hierarchy of the embedded computers is often quite different
from that of the desktop and server for four different reasons:
1) Embedded computers are often used in real-time computers, and hence
programmers must worry about worst case performance. This concern
is problematic for caches that improve average case performance, but can
degrade worst-case performance.
2) Embedded applications are often concerned about power and battery life.
The best way to save power is to have less hardware. Hence, embedded
computers may not choose to use hardware-intensive optimizations in the
quest of better memory hierarchy performance, as would most desktop and
server computers.
3) Embedded applications are typically only running one application and
use a very simple OS, if they use one at all. Hence, the protection
role of the memory hierarchy is often diminished.
4) Finally, the main memory itself may be quite small -- less than 1 MB
-- and there is often no storage disk.
Alex Baglione @UMCP
CMSC 411 Summer 2002
Hennessey and Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative
Approach; Third Edition
Chapter 5 Notes - for educational agricultural
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