Multi-cycle datapath: memory access/ALU completion
4. Memory access or R-type instruction completion
Load or store: accesses memory
Arithmetic-logical operation writes result to register
Memory reference
MDR = Memory[ALUOut]; or
Memory[ALUOut] = B;
If operation is load, word from memory is put into MDR.
If operation is store, memory location is written with value from register B.
(Where does memory address come from?
 It was computed by ALU in previous cycle.
Where does register B value come from?
It was read from register file in step 3 and also in step 2.)
Control signals
MemRead = 1 (load) or
MemWrite = 1 (store)
IorD = 1: address from ALU, not PC
What about MDR?
It's written on every clock cycle.
Arithmetic-logical operation
Reg[IR[15-11]] = ALUOut;
ALUOut contents are stored in result register.
Control signals
RegDst = 1: use $rd field from IR for result register
RegWrite = 1: write the result register
MemtoReg = 0: write from ALUOut, not memory data