Multi-cycle datapath: ALU, memory address, or branch
3. R-type execution, memory address computation, or branch Fig. 5.33
ALU operates on the operands, depending on class of instruction
Memory reference:
ALUOut = A + sign_extend (IR[15-0]);
Operation: ALU creates memory address by adding operands
Control signals
ALUSrcA = 1: register A
ALUSrcB = 10: sign-extension unit output
ALUOp = 00: add
Arithmetic-logical operation (R-type):
ALUOut = A op B;
ALU performs operation specified by function code on values in registers A, B
(Where did these operands come from?
 They were read from the register file on the previous cycle.)
Control signals
ALUSrcA = 1: register A
ALUSrcB = 00: register B
ALUOp = 10: use function code bits to determine ALU control
If (A == B) PC = ALUOut;
ALU compares A and B.  If equal, Zero output signal is set to cause branch,
and PC is updated with branch address
Control signals
ALUSrcA = 1: register A
ALUSrcB = 00: register B
ALUOp = 01: subtract
PCWriteCond = 1: update PC if Zero signal is 1
PCSource = 01: ALUOut
(What is in ALUOut, and how did it get there?
 It's the branch address calculated from the previous cycle, NOT the result of A - B.
 Why not?  Because ALUOut is updated at the END of each cycle.)
Note that PC is actually updated twice if the branch is taken:
Output of the ALU in the previous cycle (instruction decode/register fetch),
From ALUOut if A and B are equal
Could this cause any problems?  No, because only the last value of PC
is used for the next instruction execution.
PC = PC[31-28] || (IR[25-0] << 2);
PC is replaced by jump address.
(Upper 4 bits of PC are concatenated with 26-bit address field of instruction
shifted left by 2 bits)
Control signals
PCSource = 10: jump address
PCWrite = 1: update PC
(Where did the jump address come from?
Output of shifter concatenated with upper 4 bits of PC.)