Control unit: main |
Main control signals |
ALUOp: 2 bits based on
op code used as input by ALU control |
selects from instruction bits 20-16 or 15-11 ($rt or $rd) |
for destination register
to write data |
RegWrite: enables
writing of destination register |
ALUSrc: selects second
input of ALU |
0: Read data 2 from
register file |
1: sign-extended
immediate from instruction |
PCSrc: selects input to
update PC |
0: PC + 4 from adder |
1: PC + offset from
branch target calculation (other adder) |
MemRead: data is read
from data memory |
MemWrite: data is written
to data memory |
MemtoReg: selects data to
send to register file to write |
0: ALU result |
1: data read from memory |
Can set all of these
based only on opcode, except PCSrc |
Should be set based on beq instruction AND ALU ouput is 0 |
Control unit generates
Branch signal, which is ANDed with ALU Zero output |