Combining datapaths: R-type and memory
Version 1: execute instruction in 1 clock cycle
No datapath resource can be used more than once in a single instruction
If needed more than once, must be duplicated
Separate instruction, data memory
Some resources can be shared between different instruction types
Need to have multiple inputs
Control signal to select which to use: multiplexor
Arithmetic-logical (R-type) and memory access (load/store) are similar in some ways
Second operand input to ALU:
Register contents for R-type
Sign-extended immediate value (offset) for load/store
Value stored in destination register:
ALU output for R-type
Data memory value for load
To combine datapaths:
Select source of second ALU operand
Select source of data to write to register
Use 2 MUXes with control inputs
ALUsrc for ALU
MemtoReg for register write
Fig. 5.11