Instruction execution
steps |
1. IF (Instruction Fetch) |
address of instruction
to be executed is in PC (program counter, a hidden register) |
instruction is copied
from memory to IR (instruction register, another hidden register) |
2. D (Decode the
instruction, Fetch Operands) |
determine what operation
to perform (opcode, function) |
get operand values |
add |
get 2 operands from
registers |
addi |
get 1 operand from
register, 1 from instruction itself (sign-extended immediate) |
3. ALU (Perform the
operation) |
arithmetic, logical, etc. |
action performed by ALU
circuits |
4. MEM (Memory access) |
MIPS: only load or store
instructions |
5. WB (Write Back) |
result of third step is
written to the appropriate register |
6. PC Update (Program
Counter Update) |
normally, PC <- PC + 4 |
branch or jump: some
other address |