Integers: BCD
Since people think in decimal, it may be convenient to use a decimal-like representation.
Binary coded decimal (BCD) uses unsigned binary to represent each decimal digit.
How many bits are needed?
4 bits per decimal digit: ceil (lg 10) = 4
Since 4 bits can represent 16 values, 6 values are unused for every digit.
Decimal input/output doesn't require complicated conversion.
Fewer problems with repeating fractions.
Represent 1739ten in BCD:
decimal 1 7 3 9
BCD 0001 0111 0011 1001
Some early computers used BCD representation, and many calculators still use BCD.
Since calculators can be much slower than computers, they can use hardware which
operates on 4 bits at a time.
Negative values are represented using 10's complement (similar to 2C).