Carry lookahead |
Can calculate carries in
parallel |
Tradeoff: need more
hardware (space vs. time) |
Boolean expression for
carry-out: |
cout = \xycin + x\ycin + xy\cin + xycin |
What does this expression
look like? |
z = \abc + a\bc + ab\c +
abc |
How many inputs? 3 |
How many need to be true?
2 |
What is that function
called? |
Alternate expression for
carry-out: |
cout = xy + xcin + ycin |
This means that there is
a carry whenever at least 2 of the bits are 1 (possibly all 3). |
Call cin ci (carry-in for bit i) and cout ci+1 (carry-in for bit i+1) |
Distributive property: |
ci+1 = xiyi
+ ci(xi + yi) |
Define 2 new terms: |
gi = xiyi |
pi = xi + yi |
Then rewrite expression
for ci+1 |
ci+1 = gi + pici |
gi is called the generate term |
it always generates a
carry out, if equal to 1 |
pi is called the propagate term. |
it may generate a carry,
depending on the carry-in (ci) |
if exactly one of xi
or yi is 1, then the carry-in will determine the carry-out |
How can we get rid of the
dependency on the carry-in? |
Let's look at the first
carry: |
c1 = g0 + p0c0 |
The next one is: |
c2 = g1 + p1c1 |
Now we can plug in the
expression for c1, which we just calculated: |
c2 = g1 + p1(g0
+ p0c0) |
= g1 + p1g0
+ p1p0c0 |
How do we get the right
side of this expression? |
Since g1 and p1
depend only on x1 and y1, |
and g0 and p0
depend only on x0 and y0, |
and c0 depends
only on x0 and y0 (there is no carry-in for the addition of bits 0), |
we can get c2 right
away without waiting for c1! |
Likewise, |
c3 = g2 + p2c2 |
= g2 + p2(g1
+ p1g0 + p1p0c0) |
= g2 + p2g1
+ p2p1g0 + p2p1p0c0 |
Following the same
pattern, |
c4 = g3 + p3g2
+ p3p2g1 + p3p2p1g0 + p3p2p1p0c0 |
The circuit uses full
adders, but the output of one |
is not directly connected
to the input of the next |