Circuits |
Gates may be connected to
build circuits |
Valid combinational
circuits |
The output of a gate may
only be attached to the input of another gate. |
Think of this as a
directed edge from output to input. |
There must be no cycles
in the circuit (directed graph). |
the output of a gate may be attached to more than one input, |
an input
may not have two different outputs attached to it |
(This would create
conflicting input signals.) |
input of a gate must come from either the output of another gate or a source.
Source: something which
generates either a constant 0 or 1. |
Gate delay |
Output takes some small
amount of time before it changes. |
Information can travel at
most, at the speed of light. |
Gate delay
limits how fast the inputs can change and |
the output can still have
meaningful values. |