Set instructions
What about general comparison?
Example: $rs < $rt
Need more instructions to compare 2 values directly
Instruction Semantics Comparison
slt   $rd, $rs, $rt      # R[d] = R[s] < R[t] ? 1 : 0 2C
sltu  $rd, $rs, $rt      # R[d] = R[s] < R[t] ? 1 : 0  UB
slti  $rt, $rs, immed    # R[d] = R[s] < immed ? 1 : 0 2C
sltiu $rt, $rs, immed    # R[d] = R[s] < immed ? 1 : 0 UB
Compare 2 registers or register and a constant.
If condition is true, result is set to 1, else 0 (note conditional operator).
Immediate value must be extended with sign bit (2C) or zero (unsigned).
Note that this only sets a value; a separate instruction is needed to do a branch.
What about > operation?