Pseudoinstructions: Branch
How do we compare values in 2 registers?
Instructions for beq, bne, but not for general relational operators
slt $rd, $rs, $rt R[s] <  R[t] 1
R[s] >= R[t] 0
Instruction Real instructions Semantics
bge $rs, $rt, LABEL slt $at, $rs, $rt if (R[s] >= R[t])
beq $at, $zero, LABEL goto LABEL
bgt $rs, $rt, LABEL slt $at, $rt, $rs if (R[s] > R[t])
bne $at, $zero, LABEL goto LABEL
ble $rs, $rt, LABEL slt $at, $rt, $rs if (R[s] <= R[t])
beq $at, $zero, LABEL goto LABEL
blt $rs, $rt, LABEL slt $at, $rs, $rt if (R[s] < R[t])
bne $at, $zero, LABEL goto LABEL
Note that LABEL must be converted to an offset from PC
What about immediate value?
bge $rs, immed, LABEL