Jump instructions
Instruction Semantics
j     offset # PC <-- PC31-28 :: IR25-0 :: 00 jump to target address
jr    $rs # PC <-- R[s] jump to address in $rs
jal   offset # R[31] = PC + 4 save return address in $ra
# PC <-- PC31-28 :: IR25-0 :: 00 jump to target address
jalr  $rs # R[31] = PC + 4 save return address in $ra
# PC <-- R[s] jump to address in $rs
What's different about j, jal? No regs specified.
offset: usually 16-bit 2C immediate, except j and jal 26-bit UB (J-type)
Note that type refers to FORMAT, not function, so branch instrs are not J-type
What type are jr and jalr?
Since registers have to be specified, jr and jalr are R-type
Addressing: pseudo-direct
doesn't specify 32-bit address directly
allows you to access how much of all possible word-aligned addresses?
Jumping to arbitrary word-aligned addresses
j and jal still don't allow you to access all possible word-aligned addresses
jr and jalr refer to a register, which specifies the entire 32 bit instruction