Computer organization |
About this course |
Assumptions/prerequisites |
No previous assembly
language or digital logic |
CMSC 214 with a grade of
C or better |
CMSC 250 with a grade of
C or better |
Informal poll |
How many are taking 330
now? |
351? |
How many have already
taken 330? |
Goal: How computers work
(basic foundation) |
How to get there: |
Data representation |
Numeric (integer,
floating point) |
Character (ASCII, other) |
Instructions |
ISA: Instruction Set
Architecture |
Assembly language |
Circuits |
Boolean algebra |
Combinational: depend
only on inputs |
Sequential: depend on
inputs and current state |
Simple processor |
Execution steps |
Datapath |
Control |
Memory |
Cache |
Virtual memory |