Computer organization |
Components: |
Processor (CPU): executes
instructions |
Memory: stores programs
and data |
Long-term storage: keeps
data even when computer is off |
Input/output (I/O):
provides data to process, stores results |
Textbook view: |
Datapath |
Processor |
Control |
Memory (RAM, HDD) |
Input |
Output |
Our focus: |
Processor |
Today's technology:
millions of transistors and circuits |
In order to comprehend
what's going on, we need … |
Abstraction |
Hides levels of complexity |
Easier to see the
"big picture" |
Swap program |
Instruction set
architecture (ISA) |
Interface between
hardware and low-level software |
Depends on particular
machine |
Standardizes instruction
formats |
Advantage: can have
different implementations of same architecture |
Historical example: IBM
360 (1960's) to today |