Computer organization |
What is it? |
-- computer architecture |
programmer's view of the
machine |
data representation and
operations |
-- computer organization |
structural relationships
not visible to the programmer |
Why study it? (Top 5
List) |
-- you want to be a computer scientist |
-- it makes you a better programmer |
-- performance: programming is more than just getting the answer |
(covered more in 411) |
-- it's fun to learn how things work |
-- you may need to buy a computer someday |
What is a computer? |
-- dictionary
definition |
1) A person who makes
calculations; |
spec. a person employed for this in an
observatory etc. M17. |
-- person |
-- mechanical device |
-- electronic device |
analog: continuously
varying (flight simulation) |
digital |
represents data with
discrete values (binary) |
performs calculations
independently |
stored program: data +
instructions |
-- my first computer |