Integrity Policy
Your work is expected to be your own or to be labeled with its source,
whether book or human or web page. Discussion of all parts of the
project is permitted and encouraged, including diagrams and flow
charts. However, pseudocode writing together is discouraged because
it's too close to writing the code together for anyone to be able to
tell the difference.
Since the projects are interrelated, and double jeopardy is not our
goal, we have a very liberal code use and reuse policy.
- In general, any resources that are accessed in producing your
code should be documented within the code and in a README
file that should be included in each submission of your project.
- However, adopting any source code or pseudocode of a working B tree,
B+ tree, or PM quadtree from Internet search is explicitly prohibited.
You are not allowed to use it in any form. You may use all
resources provided or linked by this course.
- First and foremost, use of code produced by anyone who is taking
or has ever taken CMSC 420 from Dr. Hugue requires email from
provider and user to be sent to Dr. Hugue. That means that any
student who wants to share portions of an earlier part of the
project with anyone must inform Dr. Hugue and receive approval for
code sharing prior to releasing or receiving said code. This also
applies to sharing code from another course with a friend. Please,
please, ask.
- Second, since we recognize that the ability to modify code
written by others is an essential skill for a computer scientist,
and that no student should be forced to share code, we will make
working versions of critical portions of the project available to
all students once grading of each part is completed, or even before,
when possible.
- Dr. Hugue is the sole arbiter of code use and reuse and reserves
the right to fail any student who does not make a good faith effort
on the project. Violators of the policies stated herein will be
referred to the Honor Council.
Remember, it is better to ask and feel silly than not to ask and
receive a complimentary F or XF.
MM Hugue