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Code Sharing Policy

During the semester we may provide you with working solutions to complete portions of the project. It is legal to look at these solutions, adopt pieces of them, and replace any part of your project with anything from them so long as you indicate that you accessed this code in your README.

Furthermore, any portion of your code that contains any portion of the distributed work should contain identifying information in the comments. That is, indicate the source or inspiration of your code in the file where it was used, as well as in your README. It is a good idea to wrap shared code with comments such as ``Start shared code from source XYZ'' and ``End shared code from source XYZ.'' You may also use comments such as ``Parts of this function/file were based on code from source XYZ.'' You cannot err by including this information too often. Making it easy for us to find, makes it easy for us to recognize your compliance with the rules.

Failure to properly document use of distributed code in your project could result in a violation of the honor code. Indicate the distribution solution(s) on which your code is based.

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MM Hugue 2017-10-02