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The C code for the toy benchmark
//"Toy Benchmark" - an inefficient implementation of the famous triangular peg jumping game
// By Michael Shostak
typedef struct{
int one; //first peg
int two; //second peg that gets jumped
int lands; //where first peg lands
} move_table;
int fill(move_table []);
void set_empty(int [], int);
void play(int [], int, int);
void play_move(int [], const int);
void print(const int []);
void print_array();
int pegs_left(int []);
FILE *fptr;
move_table moves[36];
long int count = 0;
long int one_peg_games=0;
int sequence[50]; //game sequences array, where each slot is a move
//from the moves table
int ptr=0; //list pointer, points to end of list
int h; //array counter variable
time_t start, finish;
int game_board[15]; //this is the actual game board. A 1 symbolizes
//a peg, while a 0 is an empty hole
if (fill(moves)) //fill moves reads from the file "values"
for(h=0; h<15; h++)
set_empty(game_board, h); //start with hole "h" empty
puts("\nInitial game board:");
print(game_board); //print the initial game board
play(game_board, 0, 0); //play _all_ possible games
ptr=0; //reset list pointer
printf("\n\n%s%d%s", "Run time: ", (finish-start), " seconds\n");
printf("\n%s%d\n", "The total number of games played was: ", count);
printf("\n%s%d\n", "Total number of games leaving one peg: ", one_peg_games);
puts("Error. Data file not found."); //we couldn't find "values"
return 0;
//this function simply returns the number of pegs left on the board.
int pegs_left(int b[])
int a;
int flag=0;
for(a=0; a<15; a++) //just run down the array, and keep a tally of 1's
if (b[a]==1)
return flag;
//this just fills in "moves" with all the moves from the data file
int fill(move_table moves[])
FILE *fptr;
int i;
int x,y,z;
int flag=0;
if ((fptr = fopen("values", "r")) != NULL)
for(i=0; i<36; i++)
fscanf(fptr, "%d%d%d", &x, &y, &z);
moves[i].one = --x;
moves[i].two = --y;
moves[i].lands = --z;
return flag;
//just puts the pegs back in the board, leaving hole "i" empty.
void set_empty(int board[], int i)
int x;
for(x=0; x<15; x++)
//Here's the main function. It takes the board, and basically
//plays every single possible game from that empty peg.
void play(int board[], int flag, int move)
int i, j;
int board2[15];
for(j=0; j<15; j++) //This really jacks up the run time
if (flag==1)
play_move(board2, move); //play the move
sequence[ptr]=move+1; //add the move to the list
ptr++; //increment the list pointer
for(i=0; i<36; i++) //test every move in the database
if(((board2[moves[i].one]) && (board2[moves[i].two])) && (!(board2[moves[i].lands])))
play(board2, 1, i);
if ((pegs_left(board2))==1) //test if it's a winning game
one_peg_games++; //increment the counter.
count++; //increment the total games played.
ptr--; //decrement the list pointer.
//this just plays the move, all we do is flip the 0's and 1's.
void play_move(int board[], const int i)
// This high power graphics code prints the game board out in its normal triangular shape.
void print(const int board[])
int index;
printf("\n%s%d\n", " ", board[14]);
printf("%s%d%c%d\n", " ", board[12], ' ', board[13]);
printf("%s%d%c%d%c%d\n", " ", board[9], ' ', board[10], ' ', board[11]);
for(index = 5; index<9; index++)
printf("%c%d", ' ', board[index]);
for(index = 0; index<5; index++)
printf("%d%c", board[index], ' ');
//This prints out the game board in array format.
//Remember, the first number is the peg we left empty. I did that for
//indexing purposes. The actual moves played begins with the 2nd number.
void print_array()
int x;
printf("%d%c", h, ' ');
for(x=0; x<ptr; x++)
printf("%d%c", sequence[x], ' ');
The Data File Used:
1 2 3
1 6 10
2 3 4
2 7 11
3 2 1
3 4 5
3 8 12
3 7 10
4 3 2
4 8 11
5 4 3
5 9 12
6 10 13
6 7 8
7 8 9
7 11 14
8 7 6
8 11 13
9 8 7
9 12 14
10 6 1
10 7 3
10 11 12
10 13 15
11 7 2
11 8 4
12 8 3
12 9 5
12 11 10
12 14 15
13 10 6
13 11 8
14 11 7
14 12 9
15 13 10
15 14 12